Reggio Calabria has become a Tourist City. And he really deserves it

No, we are not dreaming. It’s all true. It’s just that little is said about it, too little, but Reggio Calabria is experiencing a magical moment in terms of tourism. The city is literally invaded by thousands of visitors as it had never happened before in the history of the citynot even in the best years of “Reggio model” when RTL broadcast all summer from the Lungomare and when exhibitions, concerts and shows of the highest cultural importance attracted visitors from all over the country in what between 2004 and 2010 was the emerging city of Italian tourism.

There was talk of “Reggio tourist city” in those years, numerous accommodation facilities were born, always with one skepticism basically. But who makes you do it, but in the suburbs there is degradation, but then what are they doing in Reggio, what is beautiful to see? These were the tones that dismantled the dreamers. Nevertheless those tourists who came to the city really appreciated it: the National Archaeological Museum of Magna Graecia with i Riace’s bronzesthe Aragonese Castle, the Cathedral with its beautiful Diocesan Museum, the small but extraordinary San Paolo Museum, the excavations of Piazza Italia and now also Piazza Garibaldi, the Greek Walls and the Roman Baths, the Lungomare with its Lidos and Gazebos which they have transformed it into a paradise for young people looking for fun and recreation, all associated with the gastronomic delicacies, the pleasant climate, the unrepeatable panoramic scenery of the Strait with Etna beyond the seafront.

The point is not whether Reggio can be a Tourist City. The point is that Reggio it must be a Tourist City. It should be, it must become: it is his natural vocation. And these days it seems like it really is. The credit goes entirely toRyanair operation conducted with great brilliance by the President of the Calabria Region, Roberto Occhiuto: relaunched theStrait Airportnow there are flights landing and taking off continuously and the city is packed with foreigners who come from England, Germany, Spain, Albania and the rest of Italy to admire the beauty of the city.

Reggio Calabria airport has never been so alive: a Ryanair flight has just landed while an ITA flight is about to take off

And they are amazed. They truly appreciate our Reggio. Why tourists don’t see the degradation of the suburbs. And not even the rubbish in Barre or the potholes in Santa Caterina. Tourism does not experience the daily problems of residentsand the people of Reggio should know this because it would be enough to think how much they appreciate traveling in cities full of similar problems such as Rome, Naples, Palermo. But if among the most popular tourist locations there are Sharm el-Sheikh, in Egypt, or Cancun, in Mexico… do you have any idea what stuff is around there, outside the tourist villages?

Yes, tourism is a great paradox. Tourists want to see the beauty, they linger in the destination only a few days and remain wrapped in guided tours, organized routesamong other things often and willingly without paying attention to (too many) expenses and therefore with all possible and imaginable comforts. This is why they don’t notice, let alone care about, the problems of residents. This is why Reggio Calabria can be, and these days has become, a sought-after tourist destination although waste collection does not work, although the road surface is bad, although the water hardly reaches the houses, although the municipal administration is inefficient, although the services do not work, although local taxes are skyrocketing. But what do you expect a tourist to care about how much we pay the TARI in Reggio, how much an hour on the blue lines costs or how high the youth unemployment rate is in this city?

Perhaps, however, thinking that tourists should not come to Reggio because the city is inefficient for its citizens it’s just another defeatist gimmick. To hurt ourselves, to badmouth our city. Actually on the contrary Reggio is experiencing a historic momentwhich will be much more than a moment because good politics is relaunching the Airport in a structural way, Ryanair will even increase its routes and will remain operating from this airport for years – if not forever. Then there is the perspective of Bridge over the Strait which opens up completely new scenarios for the city, first and foremost in economic terms for the Work And the related activities of construction sitesand then above all for the tourism and for i connections once the work is completed it will attract millions of tourists and will allow you to travel with Sicily as if the city were part of the island (therefore in 10 minutes by car and train to Messina, an hour by car and 45 minutes by train to Catania, 2 and a half hours by car and train to Palermo) as well as having high-speed rail also towards the Northand then reach Naples in three hours and Rome in 4 hours with a Frecciarossa.

Photo by Fulvio Mazzotta

The truth is that this extraordinary tourist operation, which began a year ago with the investments desired by Giusi Princi to promote the Riace Bronzes all over the world with campaigns aimed at tourist circuits and then took off with the arrival of Ryanair, the left didn’t orchestrate it and therefore it is going unnoticed. It is true that the Municipality is doing nothing to welcome tourists as best as possible, to make him find a ready and equipped city. And it’s also true that there is total obstructionism on communication: we can already imagine the celebrations if Ryanair had brought it with the Democratic Party, there would be talk of “new spring“, Of “good governance that brings a city back to life” and other slogans useful only for self-celebration.

In the meantime though all hotels and B&Bs are completely sold out until September. It is practically impossible to find a bed for the next three months in the city, and this too has never happened before. These are the facts. Now The people of Reggio will have to roll up their sleeves to welcome tourists properly: it is up to the city to exploit the new entrepreneurial opportunity. Souvenir shops, artisan workshops, guided tours on light transport, tour operators, clubs, accommodation facilities and everything that has to do with tourism today it has enormous space for those who want to start a business prospect now. And this time it’s one healthy spacenot like when – with the abomination of the Superbonus – everyone invented themselves as building contractors and now complain if they are failing.

Tourism will bring millions of euros to Reggio Calabria, in the pockets of those who know how to do it and certainly not in the municipal ones. We therefore do not wait for Mayors and Councilors to do what businesses and citizens can do: they won’t do it anyway. Let’s transform our city into one ourselves tourist reality: Reggio guards extraordinary beauties capable of enchanting the whole world. It is the greatest gift we have, it is the right time to value it as it deserves with the strength of workwith the desire to roll up one’s sleeves, without feeling sorry for yourself, complaining and always blaming others. Those tourists are the best and biggest resource for Reggio. Reggio must take advantage of it: they will bring Workthey will bring wealth. Scroll through the photo gallery above accompanying the article: it’s not a dream. It’s Reggio today, Yesterday, Tomorrow. And it’s all true.

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