“The lies of the opposition on the funding of nursery schools”

“The lies of the opposition on the funding of nursery schools”
“The lies of the opposition on the funding of nursery schools”

“We are forced to return to the issue of funding nursery schools.
We do it because, once again, there is a need to represent the truth to the citizens of Andria, now tired of reading and listening to the lies of the opposition.
The Municipal Administration, as it has often done in these first three years, managed to intercept two loans for the construction of two kindergartens, one located in the San Valentino district and the other in area 167, respectively of 3 million Euros and 1 .9 million Euros, coming from as many tenders from the Ministry of the Interior in agreement with the Ministry of Education.
In fact, in the months of October and November 2022, the Municipality of Andria signed the concession agreement with the Ministry for the construction of the Children’s Center in the San Valentino district and that for the construction of the nursery in Largo Ceruti, taking prompt action for the drafting of technical-economic feasibility projects and for theprocess following.
Everything was going in the right direction until the Ministry communicated to the organization not only that the national government was carrying out a remodulation of the funds for kindergartens, but also that the defunding decrees were being issued with the assignment of new, fewer resources.
And in fact, a few days ago, on May 15th, a new notice was published for the construction of new nursery schools in the 0-6 year age range which places the Municipality of Andria in fifth place, out of 387 municipalities admitted, for a single loan equal to 3.24 million euros.
Consequently, the Administration had to make a choice in favor of the Children’s Center relating to the San Valentino district – an area, to date, without a similar service – for which the feasibility project for the deadline scheduled for May 30th.
As regards the issue of the “Gabelli” municipal nursery which – it should be remembered for those with short memories – was closed by the previous Administration due to the debts resulting from the crazy economic management which deprived the Authority of primary services.
Well, on this issue too the Administration worked immediately, through the Social Services Sector and in concert with the competent authorities, to allow the reopening of the municipal nursery school in the shortest possible time.
It is clear that, to the chatter of the opposition, we respond with concrete facts to ensure that the children and families of our city have fundamental services for the socio-cultural development of the territory”, concludes the note from the majority group leaders, PD Gianluca Sanguedolce; for Andria Bene in Comune Raffaele Losappio; AndriaLab3 with Francesco Bruno and Futura with Vincenzo Montrone.

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