Intensified checks in Caltanissetta

CALTANISSETTA – Over the past week, the State Police has prevention and control activities were intensified of the territory in the capital, with the use of crews from the Crime Prevention Department of Palermo, in support of the squad cars of the General Prevention and Public Rescue Office of the Police Headquarters.

Prevention and contrast controls

Services, arranged by order of the police commissioner of the Province of Caltanissetta Pinuccia Albertina Agnelloare aimed at preventing and combat drug dealing and property crimeswith particular reference to home burglaries and to the detriment of commercial activities, e illegal immigrationtaking into consideration the recent ministerial provisions shared with the Prefect of the Province of Caltanissetta.

The outcome of the checks

Over the past week they have been employed 60 patrols of the State Police, which they carried out 51 checkpoints, identified 678 people and stopped 431 cars. In total they were 8 people reported in various capacities to the local Public Prosecutor’s Office, of which two criminalsresidents in the province of Catania, who were surprised at night in a peripheral area of ​​the city, on board a vehicle in which they were carrying burglary objects. During a search, among other things, one of the two was found holding a knife of a prohibited genre.

The remaining complaints

Other complaints concerned the crimes of possession of narcotic substances, family abuse, serious threats and private violence. A 50 years old was drawn in arrest in execution of a provision of the judicial authority, having to serve a sentence of two years and eight months of imprisonment, as convicted of complicity in robbery.

They were also performed 112 controls to convicted criminals subjected to special public security surveillance, house arrest, home detention and probation. They were also carried out 24 violations of the Highway Code and 4 driving licenses withdrawn. These checks, thanks to the constant attention of the competent Territorial Control Service of the Department of Public Security, will be repeated in the capital next week too.

The target

The services are aimed at prevent and combat drug dealing and property crimeswith particular reference to thefts from homes and to the detriment of commercial activities.

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