L’Aquila Cult, Anna Maria Giancarli invokes peace through multimedia poetry

L’AQUILA – The cultural event continues successfully “The Eagle Cult” at the L’Aquilone Shopping Center with a truly unique evening in which multimedia marries poetry. The protagonist is the poet – and she is keen to underline it! – and writer from L’Aquila Anna Maria Giancarli who, with her lyrics, has established herself on the local and national scene, becoming a pride for the city.

With his intervention “Despite its apparent uselessness, poetry is necessary,” Giancarli attempts to break down prejudices about an art form that is as misunderstood and marginalized as it is necessary. Through the written word, but also performed with voice, music and movement, poetry is able to tell the world in all its facets, from the happiest moods to the harshest ones. The main reference is to the wars that grip our days, fought in this case with the words of various poets including Bertolt Brecht, Giorgio Caproni, Mario Luzi, Amelia Rosselli and Edoardo Sanguineti.

Poetry thus becomes a language of peace, to rebel against the horrors of armed conflicts. The moment “Signs of poetry, language of peace”, animated by the interpretations of Diana Biscaini, Loretta Del Papa, Alessandra Di Vincenzo, Anna Maria Giancarli, Betty Leone and Maria Silvia Reversi, wanted to send a strong and clear message of opposition and solidarity to those who, unlike us, have had the misfortune of being born in the “wrong” part of the world.

A traveling poem, which comes to life in various points of the shopping centre, including at the exhibition banners. A poetry that also adds its depth to places and moments of leisure, and which aims to appeal to multiple age groups, because this art form, due to its intrinsic subjectivity, does not have a defined audience, but opens up to everyone’s interpretations and sensitivity.

The creators of the brilliant event, now in its seventh edition, are Francesca Pompapresident One Group, Angelo De Nicola And Paolo del Vecchio.

If Giancarli’s objective was to spread poetry and reiterate its profound relevance, we can say that she succeeded in an original and effective way, realizing the utopia of bringing poetry to an unusual and unexpected context such as a shopping centre.

Poetry, music of the soul, is a heart-to-heart conversation, “an intimate laboratory for the construction of an idea of ​​peace”, claims Anna Maria Giancarli. And it is exactly within ourselves that the anthropological transformation of humanity can take place, but the challenge must start first of all from ourselves. This is the true utopia: “making concrete what is not yet but which could be the place of something that does not exist”. A utopia, therefore, to be built.

Thanks to the help of the women of Earthquake, who contributed to the realization of the evening, poetry becomes concreteness, denunciation, and tells of life with all its contradictions and nuances. It is a poetry inherent to reality that expresses the need for peace and discussion.

But not just the written word. At the center of the exhibition is a multimedia poem, the object of cutting-edge experiments in which the voice intersects with music and images.

As in“Investigation on canvas” in which the precious voice of Alda Merini creates mystical sound effects on the music of Massimo Carlentini and the images of the Kiss by Gustav Klimt.

Also very effective “Lay of slow reasoning” by Lello Voce, and “The quipus of memory” by Giancarli herself with images by Lea Contestabile. Here the experimentation refers to the innovation that Gruppo ’63 brought to the poetry of the twentieth century, breaking the mold of tradition and affirming a new possibility of making art.

On this occasion, since poetry has been spoken of as a hymn to peace, I report an unpublished text, written for an event with a similar theme, which was held last November at the sanctuary of Divine Love in Rome, in which poets from all over Italy they gave their contribution with their verses together with the poet Davide Rondoni.

“The diary explodes, the phone rings.

As I speak

the newspaper on the ground has your face

across the entire page – huge -.

It seems black and white but

the corner of the olive eye betrays you:

it is the dust of rubble

that made you so grey.

Now I realize it.

The voice on the other end

brings me back to reality – which one

reality? Mine, not yours –

I nod to the request, grab my bag,

I run away, I have much more to do than think.

But as I go down the stairs I still see you.

Your still face

with half-closed eyes

pierces my life for an instant.

Is there still life in you? – I delude myself that I do -.

You just wanted to build castles

with that dust, you didn’t think

it rained on you so heavily,

so heavy that it crushes even the last one

of your dreams. You had been looking around for days

and you dreamed of a new world, a world

non-human, if human did this.

The one that covers your face, now,

it is the dust of God

that brings you to life

where you no longer have to defend yourself.”

Eleonora Iacobone

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‘L’Aquila Cult’ anna maria giancarli l’aquila medium poetry

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