Solutions for sustainable traffic and efficient parking: the plan of the Democratic Party of Sanremo

Solutions for sustainable traffic and efficient parking: the plan of the Democratic Party of Sanremo
Solutions for sustainable traffic and efficient parking: the plan of the Democratic Party of Sanremo

Sanremo. “The Democratic party of Sanremo is committed to solving the problems linked to heavy traffic and lack of parking, issues considered priorities by citizens.

Our proposals include:

Guarantee free parking spaces for certain categories of users near sensitive places such as pharmacies, doctors’ surgeries and hospitals.
Make the underground car park of the new railway station fully usable, improving accessibility and efficiency.
Obtain the construction of the Aurelia bis exit at San Martino, decongesting local traffic.
Work in synergy with ANAS to continue the Aurelia bis route towards the West, while safeguarding the area of ​​via Bonmoschetto.

Furthermore, we are aware that to significantly reduce traffic, a strong improvement of local public transport is necessary. We propose to:

Implement the urban service;
Increase the lines and frequencies of the urban public transport service, making it a valid alternative to the use of private cars;
Introduce an integrated ticket system that allows citizens to park and use public transport with a single ticket, encouraging the use of public transport and reducing vehicular traffic;
Create car parks at the east, west and north entrances of the city, connecting them with the center via agile and electric public transport.

With these proposals, we are committed to transforming Sanremo into a liveable city, free from private vehicle traffic and well served by widespread and efficient public transport. Sanremo will return to being a lived-in and appreciated place, reducing traffic, smog and noise, improving the quality of life and work for all citizens, activities and visitors”.

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