“In Trieste the 36th National Infantryman Gathering raises the values ​​of Homeland and Italianity in a dedicated exhibition”

“In Trieste the 36th National Infantryman Gathering raises the values ​​of Homeland and Italianity in a dedicated exhibition”
“In Trieste the 36th National Infantryman Gathering raises the values ​​of Homeland and Italianity in a dedicated exhibition”

“My beloved Trieste will have the great honor of hosting the 36th National Infantryman Gathering from 24 to 26 May 2024 during which the “36th Gathering of Italian Infantrymen” exhibition promoted by the National Association will also be held del Fante – Provincial Section of Trieste.

History, Homeland and Italianity will merge in the Municipal Art Hall in Piazza dell’Unità d’Italia 4 to inform citizens of the heroic actions of our soldiers during the tragic episodes of the Great War, further consolidating the bond of brotherhood and solidarity and loyalty to our country through images and historical artefacts of the time.

This is an occasion which will bring together over 10 thousand Infantrymen from the 450 sections in the Julian capital, who will celebrate together with the citizens the 400th anniversary of the establishment of the 1st Infantry Regiment, the Savoy ‘Fleury’ Regiment – later the ‘RE Brigade’ and then ‘San Giusto’ – and the 70th anniversary of the reunification of Trieste with Italy.
They will be precious moments of sharing the high values ​​that make us Italian today thanks to the commitment and sacrifice of those who fought valiantly in the past.

The exhibition can be visited on weekdays and holidays from 10am to 1pm and from 5pm to 8pm until Sunday 26 May 2024″.

Thus the Hon. Nicole Matteoni, provincial secretary of Fratelli d’Italia Trieste, regarding the 36th National Infantryman Rally 2024.

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