“We are working towards a Cosenza with Tutino”

“We are working towards a Cosenza with Tutino”
“We are working towards a Cosenza with Tutino”

President Eugenio Guarascio at Palazzo dei Bruzi (photo Francesco Farina)

An important seal for Gennaro Onesie which ties him more and more to the city of Bruzi. The Neapolitan player, in fact, received the seal of the city of Cosenza. Merit, awarded directly by the Mayor Franz Caruso, is attributed to prominent personalities who distinguished themselves in the civil, military, social, sporting, scientific and cultural fields. The footballer, now the record-breaker for the rossoblù, admitted and confirmed that he has Wolves still in first place among preferences for the future.

Tutino today at Palazzo dei Bruzi (photo Francesco Farina)

There ballnow passes to the President of Cosenza Eugenio Guarascio which, in the aforementioned ceremony, was said “very happy for this beautiful initiative dedicated to our Tutino”. The rossoblù patronin speaking before the journalists and the many fans who arrived for the important event dedicated to the idol of an entire city, reiterated how Cosenza is rich in numerous values ​​that sport give away.

“Days like these” – has continued – they amply confirm it. And Gennaro possesses all these values ​​within himself. It is no coincidence that he was the protagonist in the conquest of B series in the now distant 2018, and that it was always him who wanted to return to this city, to its fans and for these colours. His sense of belonging is also found in having married his wife here Arianna and having given birth to her two beautiful children. I mean, I know I should say something about the Mayor’s appeal (to redeem Tutino, ed.). I’m just saying we’re working on a Cosenza that it does even better. This year they will be seven years Serie B and we really want to do things well… together with Tutino,” concluded Guarascio.

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