The defibrillator from the gardens of the Port Authority of Brindisi was used on a seafarer

The defibrillator from the gardens of the Port Authority of Brindisi was used on a seafarer
The defibrillator from the gardens of the Port Authority of Brindisi was used on a seafarer

Last Wednesday evening, the defibrillator donated by our Association to the city located near the gardens of the Maritime Station was used for the first time. It was used by the men of the Port Authority of Brindisi who had to reach a merchant ship 13 miles off the port of Brindisi due to an illness that had struck a seafarer on board.

The ship’s staff, meanwhile, were guided by telephone by the doctors of the CIRM (International Radio Medical Centre) in the manual resuscitation maneuvers and subsequently, also with the use of the defibrillator brought on board the same motor vessel by the personnel of the patrol boat of the Port Authority.

To avoid sudden cardiac death, it is essential to activate the so-called “Chain of Survival” as soon as possible, the objective of which is to guarantee effective first aid promptly, awaiting the intervention of 118 healthcare personnel. The defibrillator represents the best device to have available to deal with cardiac arrest.

Defibrillating within 3-5 minutes of onset of cardiac arrest can increase survival by up to 50-70%. Timeliness is key. Every minute spent without a defibrillator reduces the chances of survival by 10%. Cardiac arrest, not promptly treated, leads to irreversible brain damage within 10 minutes.

As an Association we are close to the family members of the missing seafarer and we confirm the importance of our project: that of making Brindisi a Cardio-protected city. It is as part of the project, between June and July, that the Association will install a defibrillator in the Casale district, thanks to the contributions collected with the “Sips and Bites in San Martino” initiative, the support of the participating wineries, the piggy banks of Confesercenti and ConfCommercio in commercial activities, to a local entrepreneur and to some citizens and pensioners from the Casale district.

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