threatens and harasses a woman for over a year! The police intervened

threatens and harasses a woman for over a year! The police intervened
threatens and harasses a woman for over a year! The police intervened

In compliance with the rights of the person under investigation, the presumption of innocence and the necessary trial verification, as far as currently available, subject to further investigation and pending judgement, the following is communicated.

The State Police of Matera served a woman from Altamura with the notice of conclusion of the preliminary investigations, issued by the Public Prosecutor’s Office at the Court of Matera, for the crime of persecutory acts.

According to the investigative activity carried out by the Flying Squadthe woman allegedly threatened and harassed a younger woman for over a year, after discovering that the latter was having a romantic relationship with her husband.

The conduct would have been committed through phone calls and messages, sent through the most popular instant messaging applications.

In addition to calling out his love rival with insulting epithets, the suspect also ordered the woman to move away from her husband permanently, otherwise she would be joined by individuals sent specifically to harm her.

In one case, the woman would also have contacted the victim’s mother, asking her, in threatening tones, to intercede so that her daughter would interrupt her romantic relationship with her husband.

The persecutory conduct would have caused the victim a persistent and serious state of anxiety, accompanied by well-founded fear for his own safety and that of his relatives and would have forced him to alter his lifestyle habits, for fear of meeting her on the street and being attacked by the suspect.

Furthermore, the crime is aggravated by the fact that it was committed using IT and telematic tools.

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