Fire in the Crotone area in a timber and agricultural vehicle warehouse, investigations underway

Fire in the Crotone area in a timber and agricultural vehicle warehouse, investigations underway
Fire in the Crotone area in a timber and agricultural vehicle warehouse, investigations underway

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the fact

A brick structure and sheet metal roof were affected by the fire. The shed roof collapsed

Published on: 05/24/2024 – 10:36

CROTONE Fire brigade teams from the Crotone Command have been busy since around 8.40 this morning in the municipality of Petilia Policastro due to a fire in a warehouse. A brick structure and sheet metal roof were affected by the fire used as a warehouse for timber and agricultural vehicles. Firefighters from the local detachment were on site with the support of water supply tankers and ladder trucks from the headquarters. Over 15 units engaged to contain and extinguish the fire. The IA Galluppo Command official coordinated the rescue operations. Due to the high temperatures, part of the shed roof collapsed without harm to people. At the end of the extinguishing operations, further investigations will be carried out to trace the causes of the fire. At the moment no hypothesis is excluded.

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