Trento weather, the forecast for tomorrow Saturday 25 May


Saturday 25 May at Trent Variable weather conditions are expected, with overcast skies and the possibility of precipitation during most of the day. Temperatures will remain cool, with values ​​between +12.4°C and +20.2°C.

During the Night and the early hours of morning, the sky will be overcast with 100% cloud cover. Temperatures will be around +13°C, with light gusts of wind coming from the North – North East and humidity at 93%.

During morning, the weather situation will not change significantly, with overcast skies and light rain that will increase in intensity. Temperatures will rise to +17.8°C, with winds coming from different directions and humidity at 79%.

In the afternoon, precipitation will become more intense, with moderate rainfall and temperatures remaining around +20°C. The wind will blow mainly from the South – South East, with humidity reaching 83%.

Also in evening the rains will continue, albeit with less intensity, and the sky will partially clear of the clouds. Temperatures will gradually drop to +12.6°C, with winds rotating from North – North East to South East.

In conclusion, the forecast for Saturday 25 May a Trent indicate a day characterized by overcast skies and precipitation, with cool temperatures and winds of variable intensity. It is advisable to pay attention to the weather conditions and equip yourself with suitable clothing for the day.

All the weather data for Saturday 25 May in Trento

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