Cosenza weather, the forecast for tomorrow Saturday 25 May


Saturday 25 May at Cosenza Variable weather conditions are expected, with overcast skies during the morning and afternoon, and scattered clouds in the evening. The maximum temperature will be 26.1°C during the morning, while the minimum will remain around 13.5°C overnight. The relative humidity of the air will vary between 29% and the 82%with an atmospheric pressure that will remain around 1016-1017hPa.

During the morningthe sky will be overcast with cloud cover of 76-88%and temperatures will remain around 25-26°C. The wind will blow from the West with intensity between 7.6km/h hey 10.5km/h.

In the afternoonthe sky will remain overcast at 100%with temperatures dropping around 19-23°C. The wind will increase slightly in intensity, reaching up to 18.6km/h always from the West.

In the evening, cloud cover will taper off 39-100%with temperatures dropping to 13-16°C. The wind will be lighter, with intensity between 4.3km/h hey 7.5km/h coming from different directions.

In conclusion, the weather forecast for Saturday 25 May a Cosenza they indicate a day with mostly cloudy skies and pleasant temperatures. However, it is advisable to pay attention to wind variations and the possible presence of light precipitation. Stay updated on the weather forecast for the next few days to better plan your outdoor activities.

All the weather data for Saturday 25 May in Cosenza

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