Crotone waste, the oppositions ask for an ad hoc regional council. “We can’t waste any more time”

Crotone waste, the oppositions ask for an ad hoc regional council. “We can’t waste any more time”
Crotone waste, the oppositions ask for an ad hoc regional council. “We can’t waste any more time”

Eight regional opposition councilors, representing three council groups (Democratic Party, 5 Star Movement and Mixed) made the request for convocation of a special regional council of Calabria to discuss the environmental emergency in Crotone. The objective is to convince the entire regional assembly to decide against Eni Rewind’s intention to dispose of industrial waste in Crotone, before the Services Conference called by the Ministry of the Environment for next June 17th is held. The request made by the eight councilors should allow the meeting to be convened despite the period of closure foreseen for the European elections. The people who signed the request for the meeting, deposited last Tuesday at the offices of Palazzo Campanella, were the group leader of the Democratic Party, Mimmo Bevacqua, the group leader of the M5s, Davide Tavernese, the group leader of the Mixed Party, Antonio Lo Schiavo, and six regional councilors of aria Pd (Ernesto Alecci, Amalia Cecilia Bruni, Francesco Antonio Iacucci, Raffaele Mammoliti and Giovanni Muraca). The initiative had already been announced during a press conference, held in recent days at the headquarters of the Pythagorean federation of the Democratic Party. Within 20 days of the request for convocation, the president of the regional council, Filippo Mancuso, in accordance with the provisions of the regulation, must proceed with the convocation of the regional assembly.

«Governor and majority clarify»

«We can no longer waste time – we read in a note released today by the dem councilors – and it is necessary to take every most appropriate political and institutional initiative, including by proceeding with the modification of the parts of the Regional Waste Management Plan, and to oppose, within at the Services Conference of 17 June 2024, to the request made by Eni Rewind to proceed with the revocation of the commitment on the same burden to dispose of Crotone’s industrial waste waste outside the territory of the Calabria region so that, having already passed many years in vain , proceed with the effective disposal of the industrial hazardous waste of Crotone outside the territory of the Calabria region to protect the health of the citizens of Crotone and Calabria and of the environment and the territory of Crotone and Calabria”. The goal, therefore, is push the highest regional assembly to decide against Eni Rewind’s project. In this direction, the first step to take is to obtain the modification of the regional waste plan which canceled the pressure index, thus favoring the project of the energy giant called upon to carry out the reclamation of the industrial area of ​​Crotone. «The situation in Crotone – we read in the note from the PD group – risks resulting in a real emergency and the Dem group wants the Regional Council to take responsibility for finding a solution». «It is also necessary – they conclude – for the governor and his majority to clarify and say clearly what the council’s intentions are regarding the matter». ([email protected])

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