“Fewer subcontracted jobs, too many deaths. More controls are needed”

The work questions politics. Yesterday afternoon the candidates for mayor for the Municipality of Reggio Emilia were invited to the Chamber of Labor to respond to the requests of Cristian Sesena, provincial secretary of the CGIL. Present were Fabrizio Aguzzoli (Civic Coalition), Marco Massari (Centre-Left Coalition), Fabio Aldegardi replacing the candidate Giuliana Reggio (Civic Alliance), Luca Benassi substitute for the mayoral candidate Vladimir Sabillon (Bread, Peace and Work), Paola Soragni (Movement for Reggio Emilia) and Gianni Tasselli (Reagire – Rifondazione Comunista). Giovanni Tarquini (Centre-Right Coalition) was held up by a commitment in Rome and therefore absent and sent no replacements. Various issues raised by Cristian Sesena.



Illegitimate dismissals, health and safety in procurement, fixed-term contracts. Aguzzoli: “First of all, I want to state that I am anti-fascist and in favor of public healthcare, which is now heavily attacked. I believe that the municipal administration must recognize at least the minimum wage of 9 euros per hour in contracted works. I agree with the referendums “. Adegardi: “Investments must be reviewed in order to make new hires in the Municipality. The auctions are often deserted because what is recognized is too low. We agree with the referendums.”

Massari: “Poverty is progressively increasing, we need to put fair and dignified work, permanent hiring and the minimum wage at the center of politics. I agree on the referendum, for which I have already signed”.

Benassi: “We need to commit to a culture of work, to be understood as a common good. There is too much competitiveness in companies. I also signed up for the referendum.”

Soragni: “For years as a lawyer I have been on the front line in labor cases. Work must be paid and protected. Temporary employment is not good for the entire system. I signed for the referendum.”

Tasselli: “I am against any form of subcontracting. I also believe that the minimum threshold of 9 euros for the minimum wage should be increased to at least 10 indexed.”


Aguzzoli: “Safety in the workplace must be strengthened, with targeted checks by inspectors and municipal police. The absolute remediation of sites containing asbestos is necessary.”

Massari: “Duties and compensation must be clear and subcontracted work greatly reduced, because where there is precarious work and illegal work, accidents are greater. Asbestos must be totally eliminated. Construction site checks must be encouraged by organizing a table coordinated by the Prefecture “.

Benassi: “We need to start from the concept of the common good, in which everyone must participate to make our city a place to live well. Everyone must participate.”

Soragni: “The precariousness and lack of adequate training of workers is the cause of accidents at work. It is necessary to form specialized departments, even within the municipal police, to control construction sites, which must be mapped with precision.”

Tasselli: “The government has removed personnel from the staff responsible for these checks, but they need to be carried out. The asbestos must be removed and that’s it, palliative solutions cannot be accepted.”

Adegardi: “We need to invest in professional training to train people capable of reporting any non-compliance on construction sites. The staff of the municipal police must also be increased. Absolutely zero asbestos.”



Tasselli: “Work is the solution to take all those invisible people off the streets who then deviate into illegality. In Reggio there are 25 training centers and employment centres, let’s put them to good use. The army is not needed. We must then invest on services aimed at university students”.

Adegardi: “There are more than 500 people who live on the streets in Reggio. It is not acceptable. They must be recovered through training and work, helped to find accommodation. I am also in favor of a possible intervention by the army to combat the problem of safety”.

Aguzzoli: “The problem of security is the priority so that the city can rise again, become welcoming. Favorable to the army. The university is central to the life of the historic center.”

Massari: “Care for people and the territory comes first. Services for university students must be strengthened.”

Benassi: “We need to achieve true social integration. The university is an asset for the city, as is public greenery.”

Soragni: “The historic center must be supported, involving young people in making it more attractive. I imagine the town hall as a glass house, open to every citizen.”

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