Matteo Salvini challenged by environmentalists in Trento, what the leader of the League said

Matteo Salvini challenged by environmentalists in Trento, what the leader of the League said
Matteo Salvini challenged by environmentalists in Trento, what the leader of the League said

“Congratulations to the whistlers, a round of applause to the creatives who welcome you to Trento… louder the applause, thanks guys, make the day lively those who want electric cars produced in China where they burn coal to pollute less: in Trento you have understood nothing about life“. This was said by the Minister of Transport and Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini, when speaking at the 19th edition of the Trento Festival of Economics, to those who contested it at the opening of his speech, at the panel ‘What Italy’s transport will be like , objective 2032’. To those who spoke to him about drought, linked to climate change, Salvini recalled the heavy rains in the North in recent times: “You have the wrong address, go to Veneto to talk about drought, a phenomenon…”.

Then, turning to a Greenpeace activist who had asked him a question-appeal from the audience about the inaction of politics on the climate crisis and who had declared herself against nuclear power, the deputy prime minister replied: “Saying that you are for the energy transition and are against nuclear energy is a contradiction. Nuclear is the cleanest, most stable and safest energy, we have 432 operational nuclear power plants in the world that do not produce waste. Since it is not always windy or sunny, all three sources of energy production are also needed. So in the name of science please educate yourself. Whoever says no to nuclear power says no to the futureI am absolutely convinced of it.”


Speaking about the stop to the income meter, Salvini said that “the income meter is a legacy of the past. The spy tax is not the tax that I have in mind for a free country and therefore real and not presumed incomes must be ascertained. Wealth and well-being they are not an indication of bad behavior but they are the good of the country”. “The State must not prosecute based on assumptions, if you have a nice car you must have done something… but we must encourage production, work, wealth. It’s a mistake, fortunately it lasted a handful of minutes, largely exceeded”, added the League leader.

‘Save home’

Then, on the ‘save the house’: “This afternoon at half past four there is the pre-Council of Ministers and tomorrow morning I will go to the Council of Ministers to approve the save-the-house decree which will remedy all the small irregularities in the homes of Italians. It’s not a pardon.”


Regarding pensions, “I think that within the legislature the definitive overcoming of the Fornero law is a moral, economic and social duty, and then with the other ministers we will find the necessary balance”. And when asked if he would do Quota 100 again, Salvini replied: “Absolutely yes.”

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