Trieste, meeting on migration in a high school canceled. Charter of Rome: «Freedom of expression undermined»

Trieste, meeting on migration in a high school canceled. Charter of Rome: «Freedom of expression undermined»
Trieste, meeting on migration in a high school canceled. Charter of Rome: «Freedom of expression undermined»

The Palazzo del Lloyd Triestino, seat of the regional council of Friuli Venezia Giulia (Photo: Rollroboter –

Charter of Rome 22 May 2024

The school’s decision was «a consequence of the request for further information from the regional school office by the regional government council of Friuli Venezia Giulia». The Fnsi also joined the position together with Amnesty International, UsigRai and other associations.

«The decision of the Regional Government of Friuli Venezia Giulia to request further information from the Regional School Office regarding the meeting scheduled at the Italo-Svevo Institute in Trieste on the topic of migration, a meeting which included the participation of a representative of the ICS – Italian Solidarity Consortium and the testimony of a migrant person raises bewilderment and concern. This intervention, in fact, as reported in the note from the Regional Council, resulted in the cancellation of the meeting by the school itself.” This can be read in a note published by the Rome Charter Association on its website on Tuesday 21 May 2024.

«This meeting – continues the press release – involved listening directly to testimonies presented by those who are personally involved in migratory paths and contemplated the possibility of providing data, experiences and reports from experts on migration and racism; occasions that certainly represent educational opportunities that promote collective civil growth. These meetings, similar to those on highly topical issues such as environmental issues, offer tools for understanding discrimination, its forms and the impact of social media on the construction of collective thought, especially for younger people. Associations, an active and structural part of our democratic society, are also called to participate in school activities to inform and share the constitutional values ​​that guide our community.

The note concludes with a consideration: «Therefore we believe that politics should not and cannot want to guide the educational and training choices of schools as well as their implementation and that this act is detrimental to freedom of expression and teaching. Educating young people to freedom of thought enables them to critically analyze reality, make informed decisions and innovate. At the same time, developing civic sense promotes values ​​such as respect, solidarity and active participation in the community, essential elements for a democratic and inclusive society. These aspects contribute to creating a generation of individuals who not only understand their rights and duties, but are also ready to commit to the common good.”

The National Federation of the Italian Press joined the position, together with Amnesty International, Amref Health Africa, Arci, Articolo21, Association for Legal Studies on Immigration, Italian Christian Workers Associations, Cir Onlus Italian Council for Refugees, Centro Astalli , Balducci Center, Cospe, National Italian Press Federation, Lunaria, DASI Network, Uisp Sport for all, UsigRai.


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