Multimedia evening of poetry, at L’Aquila Cult with Anna Maria Giancarli

L’AQUILA – After the crescendo of the previous meetings, whose themes concerned local characters and stories, the cultural event “The Eagle Cult” continues to amaze the patrons of the L’Aquilone Shopping Center with the multimedia evening dedicated to poetry.

Friday 24 May at 5.30pm it will create a magical atmosphere Anna Maria GiancarliL’Aquila’s pride in being a poet and writer of national fame, who for the occasion has prepared a significant program with the aim of spreading poetry through various forms of communication.

Poetry, in this case, reaches out to people and demonstrates its ability to represent the world through the written, oral, visual, musical and performative word.

The reading of anti-war texts will be of profound significance, in this period marked by dramatic conflicts in the world, even not far from us.

Furthermore, poems by great Italian authors will be proposed, who, with their poetic words, have made our country famous throughout the world.

“Despite its apparent uselessness, poetry is necessary” will be the themed speech by Anna Maria Giancarli.

“Signs of poetry, language of peace” the anti-war poems of: Bertolt Brecht, Giorgio Caproni, Alfredo Giuliani, Mario Lunetta, Mario Luzi, Anna Malfaiera, Giulia Niccolai, Lamberto Pignotti, Antonio Porta, Maria Silvia Reversi, Amelia Rosselli, Edoardo Sanguineti.

Readings by: Diana Biscaini, Loretta Del Papa, Alessandra Di Vincenzo, Anna Maria Giancarli, Betty Leone, Maria Silvia Reversi, Maura Viscogliosi.

The meeting, coordinated by Francesca Pompapresident of One Group who together with Angelo De Nicola And Paolo del Vecchio are the creators of the event, it will be animated by screenings and listening to: ” The quipus of memory” by Giancarli herself with images by Lea Contestabile, “Investigation on canvas” with voice by Alda Merini, music by Massimo Carlentini, images by Gustav Klimt, “Lay of slow reasoning” by Lello Voce and readings of various poems from the thirteenth century to the present day.

In the L’Aquilone Shopping Center, poetry also takes shape in the spaces occupied by banners that offer the reading of poetic verses, scattered here and there.

An unmissable meeting, poetry today is more important than ever, it recreates the universe around us and celebrates beauty even when it talks about pain.

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