Taranto, 150 Cavalucci Marini return to Mar Piccolo: “Welcome home”

Taranto, 150 Cavalucci Marini return to Mar Piccolo: “Welcome home”
Taranto, 150 Cavalucci Marini return to Mar Piccolo: “Welcome home”

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On a day to remember for the marine biodiversityThe Little Sea of Taranto welcomed the return of over 150 juvenile specimens of Hippocampus guttulatusbetter known as sea ​​horses, thanks to a cutting-edge conservation project.

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The specimens, born and raised with care at the Aquarium of Genoa, represent a new hope for the decimated populations of this fascinating species which in the new protected micro-reserves created within the Mar Piccolo Regional Parkthey will be able to count on a safe refuge.

The release of these delicate marine organisms it took place near the Idroscalo within the SVAM area in the presence of representatives of the academic world and numerous military and civil authorities, including the mayor of Taranto, Rinaldo Melucci. “We are witness to an event that marks a turning point for the conservation of marine flora and fauna in our beloved city – declared the mayor in highlighting the activities of the Administration which, aimed at protecting biodiversity and safeguarding the Mar Piccolo, were fundamental for this project.

“LThe collective commitment, the institutional harmony with the Air Force, the Coast Guard and the collaboration between research bodies, universities and the Genoa Aquarium, to all of which I extend my heartfelt thanks, have made this moment possible which strengthens the rebirth process for the Mar Piccolo. This project not only returns a symbolic species to our sea, but also lays the foundations for one greater environmental awareness and for the development of sustainable practices, which are at the heart of our wider regeneration project “Taranto Ecosystem”. continues the Mayor.

The conservation project, which began in June 2023, saw the collection and transport of adult pairs of seahorses from Taranto to the Genoa Aquarium, where a team of biologists and veterinarians worked for ensure survival of little ones in their first months of life.

And precisely in this regard, Mayor Melucci wanted to underline the importance of the day “because it demonstrates that nature has its own autonomous recovery capacity and, perhaps, as we have been able to affirm in recent days in relation to the issues concerning the SIN of Taranto and the future of the Mar Piccolo we should be less invasive, have an effective monitoring system and engage in other activities for the our Little Sea, for our very attractive ecosystem. I repeat: today is a significant day because we are faced with a symbolic species that we must also protect from poaching and from those who do something else outside the rules. I believe that from this point of view our Administration is making its maximum effort, why think about reintroducing it further 150 seahorses in this wonderful habitat is a sign of hope for our young people, for our businesses, for all the institutions that are at work in what is a decisive juncture for the rebirth of our territory.”

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