Serie C Women’s Volleyball – Bar dello Sport Sabaudia closes with a victory

Serie C Women’s Volleyball – Bar dello Sport Sabaudia closes with a victory
Serie C Women’s Volleyball – Bar dello Sport Sabaudia closes with a victory

Bar dello Sport Sabaudia – Antares Volley Roma: 3-0

Sabaudia sports bar: Bellini, Camazzola, Canali (lib.), Caponi, Crispi, Galfano, Grossi, Lisi, Massarenti, Miatello, Salvadego, Soldati (lib.), Stagni, Tittoni. All. Casalvieri

Antares Volley Rome: Palone, Salerno, Santoro, Borghesi, Gigli Bertea, Fartigianato (lib.), Tichanow (lib.), Ultsch (lib.), Sforazzini A., Gasperini, Sforazzini G., Colucci, Lorenzetti, Various. All. Scafati

Referee: Moretti Claudio, Rizzo Andrea
Partial: 25-16, 25-17, 27-25

A very positive season. The Bar dello Sport Sabaudia closed the Serie C women’s volleyball championship with a clear success, in front of its own audience. The 3-0 victory against Antares Volley Roma allowed Miatello and his teammates to say goodbye to the season in a the audience at the PalaVitaletti in Sabaudia was positive. The championship finale could have been even more exciting if this victory had also led to qualification for the play-offs for promotion to the B2 national championship but, the concomitant victory of Volley Friends Roma, pushed the Pontine team back to fourth place, for a few moments, they had even entertained the possibility of finishing third overall in the standings. «Regardless of what could have been, we couldn’t have wished for anything better for this year, the group is very young and it wasn’t easy to build such a prolific environment, we have to congratulate them all for how they behaved» states proud coach Daniela Casalvieri.

A match which, given the score, can also be deceiving because the 3-0 was full of emotions despite Sabaudia proving to be superior to Antares right from the start. The first set arrived was closed with relative ease (25-16), after having imposed their own law also in the second set (won 25-17) the guests began to come up with better solutions and also managed to be more dangerous but without success . At the end, greater efforts had to be made given the strong reaction of the Roman team but the team of president Alessandro Pozzuoli managed to celebrate with their fans present by also winning the third and final set with the advantage (27-25).

Season ended with a smile with the president himself who, together with coach Casalvieri, reiterated the good things done. «Every year the group risks changing elements given the commitments of each athlete and we take this into account, for this very reason we are proud to have created a young and close-knit collective with enormous potential. The credit goes to everyone, no one excluded, from the whole club we couldn’t think of a better conclusion. Now we regain our strength to face the next championship, always trying to do our best.”

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