Marche poverty data today at the conference in Ancona

note from the CGIL

ANCONA – Real family incomes are decreasing. The post-pandemic economic recovery and the measures introduced are unable to offset the effects of inflation. This is the picture that emerges from the Istat survey on the living conditions and income of families for the year 2023. It is confirmation that our region, also for this year, finds itself in a situation of stagnation.

The data were made known during the conference scheduled today in Ancona, entitled “Poverty and dignity in the Italian Constitution”, promoted by the CGIL Marche in collaboration with the associations of “La via Maestra”, the path launched during the event of the last October 7th in Rome and which will culminate on May 25th in Naples. Present at the initiative today are, among others, Loredana Longhin, regional secretary of the CGIL Marche, Daniela Barbaresi, national secretary of the CGIL and Antonio Russo, national vice-president of the ACLI.

In fact, in 2023, while in Northern Italy there was a reduction in the population at risk of poverty or social exclusion, in central Italy and in our region in particular, the situation remains the same as the previous year. And, therefore, all the critical issues already present in the previous year are reconfirmed.

Compared to 2022, an increase in conditions of serious deprivation is observed for the regions of central Italy.

In 2022, real family incomes decreased by 0.9% in Central Italy; and compared to 2007 the contraction in income is 10.8%.

The main cause of the decline in real household income is mainly attributable to the increase in inflation during 2022, which has eroded the purchasing power of families.
The MEF data relating to incomes in the 2022 tax year highlight how 37.9% of Marche citizens declare an income of less than 15 thousand euros, while those who declare 120 thousand are 0.8%.

There is also a strong disparity in the distribution of wealth: 0.8% of the richest taxpayers declare a higher amount of income than 24.2% of the poorest taxpayers. In this regard, the gap to the disadvantage of the internal areas, characterized by values ​​significantly lower than the average, must also be highlighted.

Poverty which also originates from poor work: in the Marche region 25.4% of private employees receive less than 10 thousand euros gross per year (INPS) and intermittent contracts have the highest incidence among the regions in new hires (18.2% – INPS).

To counter this drift, the CGIL has promoted the four referendums on which it is collecting signatures to eliminate precariousness from the labor market and restore value to work.
For Daniela Barbaresi, CGIL national secretary, “this is an emergency that must be addressed as soon as possible. Immediately, it is necessary to relaunch public welfare and policies to combat poverty and inequality. All this is strategic to counter the proposal of differentiated autonomy, and affirm the dignity of social work which cannot be precarious or underpaid”.

For Loredana Longhin, CGIL Marche secretary, “a serious policy of social and territorial cohesion is more urgent than ever. The actions that penalize it, such as the sharp reduction in the resources allocated to the fight against poverty, the differentiated autonomy project and the cut in Pnrr funds for the fight against inequalities must be reviewed as soon as possible”.

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