Is Molfetta a dog-friendly city? Forasacchi everywhere, neglect at the Dog Park and the dog area of ​​the Baden Powell Park –

“Is a city like Molfetta safe for my dog?” This is the question most citizens ask themselves as they take their dog for a walk and notice the conditions the city is experiencing in this period.

To date, but already since the good season has just begun, therefore for a few months, most of the sidewalks, streets, parks, flowerbeds or green spaces of the city are invaded by forasacchi, or seeds of grasses that grow wild in the ground with their dangerous spikelets until they become very tall.

In this regard, the president of the Molfetta Dog League intervened. “The city is full of forasacchi, risky for dogs because the moment they enter any part of the body, from the ears to the nose, but also in the paws, the situation becomes very dangerous. Unfortunately, dogs can end up dying from infection or because the forasacco can also reach the respiratory tract or the heart, and if there are large quantities of it this becomes a very easy eventuality – he continues – This can happen not only to owned dogs but also to those poor few strays who now remain in Molfetta who are clearly even more exposed than others to these problems”. She then specifies: “This is a very serious issue”.

All things considered, the situation on the streets is unlivable for our four-legged friends and does not improve by moving to the areas created specifically for them such as the Dog Park degli Ulivi, in the new area of ​​the newly expanding neighborhood of the Madonna della Rosa, known to all the city. “It was born as an area where dogs could stay in peace and in a clean place – states the president – ​​then as the years went by, partly due to the carelessness of citizens who do not always collect their excrement, partly ‘for the maintenance company that either doesn’t do it or does it badly, the park is not in good condition. Today we find the water fountain malfunctioning, with stagnant putrid water dangerous for dogs, in addition to the ground full of forasacchi”.

All this means that owners with their four-legged friends are discouraged from frequenting it, to avoid possible problems.

The same situation applies to the dog area of ​​the Baden Powell park, only land, without agility courses for dogs like in the other dog park, foracchi and the presence of an unpleasant odor from the first days of opening.

Citizens hope that these areas will take on a new life by following the right dog park guidelines and the president is giving good news on the subject by announcing a preview. “The governor of the Puglia region has asked the stray dog ​​commission to draw up rules on how to create and organize adequate dog areas, adopting the right maintenance, assiduously and punctually”, her words.

Similar situation in Lama Martina, which became impassable due to the tall grass, mostly made up of forasacchi, which made access impracticable for both citizens and their dogs.

It is with this description of reality that we invite those in charge to do something to change the situation in which Molfetta finds itself, carrying out maintenance on the streets and parks to guarantee the tranquility that every citizen with a dog deserves.

Tuesday 21 May 2024


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