Pordenone weather, the forecast for tomorrow Wednesday 22 May


Wednesday 22 May in Pordenone promises to be a day characterized by light rain And widespread cloudiness. Temperatures will remain cool, with values ​​between +14.1°C hey +19.5°C. The perception of the temperature will be in line with the real values, without particularly high thermal sensations.

During morningstarting from the early hours, are expected light rain with a probability that varies from 90% to the ninety two%. Precipitation could intensify slightly towards central hourswith values ​​of 0.49mm of rain forecast for 11:00 am. Humidity will remain high, oscillating between 76% and the 78%.

In the afternoonthe rains will continue to affect the Pordenone area, with intensity that could reach 0.87mm at 3pm. Humidity will settle around the 71%.

In the evening, the situation will tend to improve slightly, with a decrease in cloud cover and precipitation. However, the sky will remain covered with a probability of 93% at 9pm.

In conclusion, the weather forecast for Wednesday 22 May in Pordenone indicates a day of light rain and widespread cloud cover. Temperatures will remain cool, with humid conditions making the atmosphere quite humid. It is advisable to pay attention to the weather conditions and equip yourself with adequate protective equipment in case of rain. Stay updated for further information on the weather forecast in Pordenone in the coming days.

All the weather data for Wednesday 22 May in Pordenone

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