Aida at the Rendano in Cosenza: it was a success

Aida at the Rendano in Cosenza: it was a success
Aida at the Rendano in Cosenza: it was a success

Great satisfaction for the Polimnia Association and its President Luigia Pastore

It was a success. The Aida al Rendano organized by the Polimnia Cultural Association led by Luigia Pastore thrilled a full theater with a sold out which testifies to the great curiosity and anticipation for this great work.

Aida at the Rendano in Cosenza: it was a success

Aida, the four-act opera with a libretto by Antonio Ghislanzoni with music by Giuseppe Verdi, immediately managed to get the audience excited and respected punctuality and, in rigorous silence, everything began at 9.00 pm sharp . Aida, an event within the event with Rendano, who for one evening relished the atmosphere of the past. The Aida Opera produced at home with the Brutia Symphony Orchestra which played with great mastery at its “first Aida”, expertly prepared by the Reggio maestro Alessandro Tirotta. We immediately noticed a great balance between the orchestral pit and the stage.

The performance of the “Cilea” lyric choir was excellent, with powerful and well-blended voices. Almost all debutants in the singing company, made up of emerging talents from Calabria and Southern Italy, with some elements with long careers from other regions for an all-Italian cast: beautiful voices, well educated and suitable for the roles. Open stage applause for the soprano Marika Spadafino who played Aida.

The preciousness of his soprano tone has not escaped many. Bold and refined tenor security of Angelo Forte’s Radames with soaring high notes. A wonderful picture of performers and artists is completed by the dramatic power and richness of color of the mezzo-soprano Licia Toscano in Amneris and the stentorian, heartfelt and nuanced interpretation of the baritone Luca Bruno in Amonastro, the solemnity of the singing of Ramfis by bass Mario Falvera and the expert vocal conduct and declamation of the bass-baritor Alessandro Calamai in the role of the Pharaoh.

The voices of the supporting roles were precious: Mariagiorgia Caccamo in the role of the Priestess, alternating with Olga Belaya’s dancing Priestess, painted an excellent scene of the consecration. And finally Fedele Forastiero turned out to be a dramatically relevant and musically precise Messaggero. The costumes were splendid and the Sphinx which remained on the ground the entire time was intended to represent the fall of Egypt and aroused a lot of curiosity in the public due to a choice made by director Rocco Pugliese Eerola. A director who carefully underlined passages on the stage setup in the booklet: “the strength of this setup also lies in the ability to evoke powerful and symbolic images.

A scenic space that represents the container of human events, a place where the past and the present are connected. The contrast between darkness and light, between earth and sky recalls the eternal struggle between good and evil, between instinct and reason”. And it is Luigia Pastore herself who took care of the artistic direction and does not hide her satisfaction “at having managed to create an event that had a great musical and scenic impact, also sponsoring the debut of highly professional Calabrian artistic realities in an opera complex and imposing like Aida. It was undoubtedly a success for all of us and for our Poliminia Association which completed an ambitious project worthy of the traditions of our glorious Rendano”.

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