Appeal to the candidates in the European elections of the UniVerde Foundation, Vas Parma and Gustoh24

Appeal to the candidates in the European elections of the UniVerde Foundation, Vas Parma and Gustoh24
Appeal to the candidates in the European elections of the UniVerde Foundation, Vas Parma and Gustoh24

An appeal was launched from Parma to the candidates in the European elections so that the EFSA European Food Safety Authority can also extend its competences to food quality and food sustainability.

The Appeal, with the invitation to candidates to join, was presented during a press conference in the Arte & Gusto venue in Parma by the UniVerde Foundation, Vas Parma and Gustoh24.

“We must bring EFSA into adulthood and the ‘Q’ of food quality must be added to the ‘S’ of safety. EFSA must evolve, take on more responsibilities, otherwise it will remain a child prodigy who has never managed to become an adult”, with these words of Giorgio Calabrese, president of the national committee for food safety of the Ministry of Health and one of the fathers of EFSA, the director of Gustoh24 and member of the national council of Vas, Donato Troiano, opened the meeting with the press on the topic “EFSA must guarantee, in addition to safety, also the quality and sustainability of food”.

Speaking at the meeting with Troiano were Gianluca Borghi, Councilor for Environmental Sustainability and Agriculture of the Municipality of Parma; Nelson Marmiroli, Professor Emeritus of Environmental Biotechnology at the University of Parma, Director of the Inter-University Consortium of Environmental Sciences and Fabrizio Leccabue, of Vas Parma and coordinator of “On the wrong side”.

Not only healthy food must arrive on the tables of European consumers, but also good and friendly food for the planet.

In addition to checks on food safety, those on the quality and sustainability of the entire supply chain must be added. And to do this we don’t need new agencies: we just need to expand the powers and tasks of EFSA, the European Authority that has been dealing with food safety for over twenty years.

This is the content of a new appeal/proposal that is being put forward today to all candidates and then sent to those elected to the new European Parliament.

The text of the Appeal and how to join

“The European Union can and must guarantee not only food safety but also the sustainability, quality and traceability of food. Beyond national and continental political alignments, we believe that protecting quality and of food sustainability. And it is important that a European agency manages the controls in order to guarantee citizens not only healthy, but also good and sustainable food. This agency already exists, it is the one based in Parma, and there is no need to create a new one. It is necessary to expand and strengthen the skills and independence of the European Food Safety Authority – EFSA to truly guarantee the healthiness and sustainability of the foods that reach the tables of all European citizens”.

To register, write to this email: [email protected]

UniVerde Foundation, Vas Parma and Gustoh24

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