Assembly of sales agents, between AI and generational renewal

UDINE – Artificial Intelligence and generational renewal were the central themes of the 33rd assembly of the commercial agents union of Udine, Trieste, Gorizia (USE US), held in Tavagnacco (UD). The meeting highlighted the need to update the profession and to face modern challenges with an innovative spirit and open to change.

An approach to artificial intelligence and the need to modernize the profession

During the assembly, President Domenico Papa highlighted the importance of consider Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a collaborator and not as a competitor. “AI is an opportunity that can help us improve the quality of services and life”said Papa. This change in perspective is fundamental for sales agents, since theAdopting advanced technologies can optimize many daily operationsfrom customer management to market data analysis.

One of the crucial points discussed was lan anachronism of the compulsory course to access the profession of commercial agent. Papa stated that this course represents a significant obstacle for new recruitsespecially for young people. “We must open the profession to all those who possess the requirements of respectability and at least a high school diploma”he underlined. This change could facilitate the necessary generational changeor to keep the profession alive and dynamic.

Thirty-year members rewarded

The assembly also provided theopportunity to reward thirty-year membersrecognizing the commitment and dedication of Aldo Suraci And Roberto Arbusti. This recognition not only celebrates their long career, but also serves as example of professionalism and dedication for the new generations of commercial agents.

Strengthening alliances was another central theme. There collaboration with CNA Fvg is considered crucial to face new challenges. The FVG president, Maurizio Meletti, reiterated the importance of this synergy, which benefits both artisans and commercial agents. This collaboration was symbolically represented by the choice of the CNA conference room for the assembly.

Promote a positive and inclusive image of sales agents

The assembly underlined the importance of promote a positive image of the sales agent figureoften linked to stereotyped perceptions. Increase the presence of young people and women in the profession it’s a priority objective, which can help diversify and enrich the sector. Furthermore, topics such as the relationship with Enasarco, the increase in agreements and the renewal of the Collective Economic Agreements, which expired 10 years ago, were discussed.

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