Parma Clima defeated by Grosseto 2 to 1 in the first extra inning –

Parma Clima defeated by Grosseto 2 to 1 in the first extra inning –
Parma Clima defeated by Grosseto 2 to 1 in the first extra inning –

Big Mat Grosseto left Cavalli holding the victory in his hands in the first match of the weekend.

The Tuscans prevailed with a result of 2 to 1 in the first extra inning against a Parma Clima team that appeared rather slow in attack.

The ducali suffered the throws of the effective Barreto and scored seven hits in eight shots. The best in the garage were Scerrato (1 out of 1) and Desimoni (2 out of 3). Casanova (no decision with 83 pitches) and Andres Perez alternated on the pitching mound.

The news

The hosts made up for Encarnacion’s absence due to suspension by entrusting the defense of third base to Noel Gonzalez. The rest of the defense is confirmed with Ascanio at first base, Angioi at second and Luis Gonzalez at shortstop. Mineo received throws from Erly Casanova with Monello designated. Flisi, Desimoni and Astorri made up the winger line.

Stefano Cappuccini’s Big Mat responded with the battery made up of Barreto and Cinelli, a diamond made up of Oldano (first base), Tiberi (second), Aloma (shortstop) and the former Mercuri (third). Cappuccini, Giordani and Sellaroli played in the external field with designated Function.

Parma Clima became dangerous in the first inning with Luis Gonzalez who received four balls followed by a long fly ball to the right by Noel Gonzalez well played by Sellaroli at the edge of the warning track. A wild pitch allowed the Ducale shortstop to reach third base but the half ended with a strikeout by Barreto on Mineo.

The first hit, a single to right, was hit by Cinelli in a second inning that quickly ended with the eliminations of Mercuri and Functions and a weak hit towards second base by Oldano.

Francesco Cappuccini led off the third with a short hit to third base that turned into a single and Tiberi pushed him to second base with a sacrifice. Sellaroli was eliminated by Noel Gonzalez but then Aloma guessed another mocking short hit creating a runners on the corners situation with two outs. The opportunity, however, was neutralized by an amazing defensive action by Luis Gonzalez behind the second base cushion which drew a long round of applause from the Nino Cavalli crowd.

To see Parma Clima’s first hit, it was necessary to wait until the third inning when Flisi hit a double to the right that was not adequately exploited by his teammates.

The ducals tried again in the fourth. Mineo got a single with a classic “Texas Leaguer” in front of left field but Ascanio (fly from Sellaroli) and Astorri (strikeout) couldn’t advance him to the point.

Casanova needed just four pitches to end the first half of the fifth but started the sixth by suffering another infield single from Aloma. After Giordani’s elimination it was Mattia Mercuri’s turn who broke the balance by hitting a violent line to the left which turned into a double of one to zero. The next base on balls granted to Cinelli marked the end of Casanova’s performance (5.1rl, 1pgl, 5bvc, 1bb, 1hbp, 4so), replaced by Andres Perez. The Parma Clima reliever eliminated Function at the plate but then filled the bases with a free base to Oldano: the subsequent “k” on Cappuccini proved fundamental in ending the second half without any further points and keeping his teammates in the game.

Parma Clima’s sixth attack ended with the eliminations of Mineo and Ascanio after a base ball torn by Noel Gonzalez, the seventh began with a single by Astorri. Monello was unable to advance his teammate by failing to bunt twice but Desimoni fueled Parma’s hopes by hitting a single to the center. The visiting bench took action by replacing the excellent Barreto (6.1rl, 1pgl, 5bvc, 2bb, 8so) with Angelo Palumbo, the home bench played the card of pinch hitter Lorenzo Scerrato who had the merit of equalizing the match with a hit in front of the center fielder. Angioi’s subsequent double play sent the teams into extrainnings.

In the eighth, Perez began to feel tired and filled the bases, collecting a double from Giordani, a single from Function and allowing four balls to Cinelli. Oldano’s subsequent sacrifice fly allowed the guests to regain the lead 2-1.

Parma Clima faced the eighth inning with the heart of their line-up. Luis Gonzalez deceived the Cavalli crowd with a double to left but Noel Gonzalez (fly to shortstop), Mineo (fly to left) and Ascanio (groundball to pitcher) were unable to find the winning shot.

The round will end tomorrow with two races starting at 3pm and 8pm.

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