DDU’ RAPES STRANGED – Il Giornale di Chieti

Last show in competition for the seventh edition of the Amateur Theater Review, “Premio Marrucino” 2024, organized by the Theatrical Deputation of the Teatro Marrucino of Chieti in collaboration with the regional section of the FITA (Italian Federation of Amateur Theatre) chaired by Antonio Potere.
“Ddu’ rape strascenate” was staged on Friday 26 April, a comedy in two acts written by Antonio Potere, directed by the actor and director Paolo Pieretti and performed by the “I temerari” company of Chieti.
The plot, as mentioned in the program, revolves around the “vicissitudes of a man oppressed by his first wife, who does everything possible to remain a widow. By chance, however, it is the protagonist who suffers widowhood and therefore thinks well of… getting married again. In this context, cute and comical characters intersect and alternate each other. By getting married again, the protagonist, mindful of the oppression suffered by his first wife, makes the second a victim. The ending of this comedy will leave spectators amazed by the comedy of the gimmicks proposed.”
Before attending the performance I asked its director some questions.
“Doctor Pieretti, how was your theater company born?”
“So, we formed with the intention of doing something daring. In fact, we started in 2019 by staging Filumena Marturano by the Neapolitan maestro Eduardo De Filippo. A very challenging show but one that gave us a lot of satisfaction. Unfortunately we were forced to temporarily cease operations due to the abandonment of the main interpreter. So I took steps to recreate the company and bring other comedies to the theatre. Here, after various searches, I managed to find enthusiasts like me. In a year and a half we have adapted a dialect comedy by Antonio Potere, the one you will see this evening, and a classic play in Italian entitled “Two dozen scarlet roses” by Aldo Benedetti which we will perform on June 1st at the Marrucino theater in Chieti following the success achieved at the Cavour theater in Pescara a few weeks ago.”
“Why, to take part in the “Marrucino Prize”, did you choose Ddu’ turnips that were strascenate?”
“For the simple fact that it lends itself very well to the context. It is a comedy that expresses a particular rural society of the past in a pleasant and never banal way. This last aspect, in my opinion, is the most important when we talk about a dialect show since its aim is to make people laugh and have fun.”
“What was it like directing the show?”
“Let’s say that, in my youth, I attended a film school, the “Little Actors Nursery”. Here, I first learned to act. But by observing and accumulating experience, I also tried my hand at directing. I then worked in theater and television, even dedicating myself to dubbing. So far, I can say that I am satisfied. I would certainly define my directorial approach as technical and in love.”

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