Baby Card, paid up to 670 euros to 48 families in Gallarate

Baby Card, paid up to 670 euros to 48 families in Gallarate
Baby Card, paid up to 670 euros to 48 families in Gallarate

GALLARATE – I am 48 families from Gallarate who received the Baby Cardthe one-off contribution from the Municipality for couples who have had a second child during 2023.

Family factor

For the first time, the contribution saw the introduction of the Family Factor in an experimental form and is part of the “Gallarate Family System”, the set of sector policies managed by thecouncilor for social services Chiara Allai. Which says: «There are 48 families who had their second child (and beyond) in 2023 and who have received contributions ranging from 250 to 670 euros (with an average of 430 euros). A great contribution in a difficult economic phase especially for those who have many children, a mortgage or vulnerable people at home.”

Export model

«We are happy with the results of the testing of the Family Factor implemented with the 2024 Baby Card”, adds the mayor Andrea Cassani. «This measure introduced in 2017 and improved every year has been copied from many other municipalities in Lombardy and in others (like Varese) discussions are underway to introduce it, it shows how many families who usually do not have access to other forms of aid can be helped.”
Luigi Galluppi, delegated councilor for family policies, is very satisfied with the results obtained and the work carried out by the municipal offices. «We will certainly continue to use this new Family Factor system next year too, e.gWe are evaluating the possibility of extending it to other services. The initiative received an important response from the families of Gallara, and we believe we have offered a significant contribution thanks to the provision of additional sums to the basic contribution of 250 euros».

Gallarate children baby card – MALPENSA24
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