Cesena, the cold between Arctic and Tuscan and the press release that puts the coach against the wall

Cesena, the cold between Arctic and Tuscan and the press release that puts the coach against the wall
Cesena, the cold between Arctic and Tuscan and the press release that puts the coach against the wall

Amazed with amazement. But not only. The day after the corporate summit which took place in a “call conference” between ARCTIC from Cesena and the property connected from several cities in the USA, the Juventus club decided to publish a statement.

Tuscan, this is the contract

In these lines the ownership underlines its surprise at the «recent articles regarding Toscano, since we are all focused on concluding this extraordinary season in the best possible way».

But going deeper, Cesena underlines much more. Meanwhile, what really matters to the club: «Toscano still has one year left on his contract with Cesena FC and, once the season is over, we will discuss together with the management to prepare for the 2024-2025 season, having the well-being of the club as its sole objective. club”. Understood? If Toscano isn’t happy with a one-year contract, let him say so openly. 48 days after the 1-0 win over Pescara that brought Cesena back to Serie B, the ball officially returns to the coach’s court. That he will have to say whether he is happy with staying with the contract he signed 24 months ago (which provided for a 50 percent increase in salary in the event of promotion) or whether he prefers a new contract. But look elsewhere.

All lined up

Going forward, there is another important step: «The Board of Directors of Cesena Fc and all the investors have been working in unison for a year and they are all aligned on the direction that the club must have and on the commitment made towards Cesena Fc and of the entire community of Cesena”. Ergo, all investors are aligned. Therefore, according to the statement wanted and produced by the Aiello family and the Scotto family, it is to be believed that even Melby’s desire to climb the Juventus summit was put aside to try, all together, to put in place a more Cesena strong.

Frost and alternatives

While waiting to see if the issue linked to power games has really been resolved, the great frost between Arctic and Tuscan should be noted. Who in practice have not spoken to each other since the eve of Cesena-Perugia and who on Wednesday evening, at the party at the Chiosco Savelli, ignored each other: Toscano arrived late and remained out of the way while ARCTIC was one with the players. Leaving in this way for a new adventure would not make sense: therefore, if Cesena wants to start again from Toscano, the couple needs to reunite. For “the future to be even more exciting” there must be the common good above everything and everyone: that is, Cesena. If not, better to change. With ARC who thinks above all about Andrea Sottil but who doesn’t disdain Leonardo Semplici and Ivan Javorcic either.


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