Savona: the Palio dei Quartieri returns for the 14th Festa del Mare

Savona: the Palio dei Quartieri returns for the 14th Festa del Mare
Savona: the Palio dei Quartieri returns for the 14th Festa del Mare

Savona. Saturday 18 May the port of Savona comes alive with the 14th Sea Festival, a day full of sport, tradition and fun. Among the new features this year, the return of the Palio dei Quartieria rowing challenge between the crews of eight districts of Savona.

Gozzi and Dragon Boat to decide the winner. The highlight race of the day will be the Palio of the Neighborhoodswhich will see the crews of A Ciann-a (Villapiana), De la dau sciümme (Santa Rita), Furnaxi (Fornaci), Lavagneòa (Lavagnola), Lêze (Legino), U mêu (Centro), U sperun (Valloria and Villetta) and Zinoua (Zinola) in a regatta of dragon boat. The more experienced will also try their hand at one traditional gozzo race.

An event for the whole family. In addition to the Palio, the Festa del Mare will offer a rich program of events for the whole family. They can be admired speed canoe and rowing racesperformances by SUP and Polynesian canoe, and so much more. They won’t be missed food stands with typical Ligurian products and areas dedicated to children.

An opportunity to rediscover the traditions of Savona. «The Palio – comments the Sports Councilor Francesco Rossellobrings back an ancient tradition to Savona after a few years of stopping. It is the sign of the vitality of the city which, while it questions itself about what its future identity will be, does not forget its roots».

The Sea Festival is a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the suggestive atmosphere of the port of Savona and to rediscover the maritime traditions of the city. An event not to be missed for all lovers of the sea, sport and entertainment.

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