“Thanks to Alan’s guidance there is a before and an after. Now Ferrara has an identity”

“Thanks to Alan’s guidance there is a before and an after. Now Ferrara has an identity”
“Thanks to Alan’s guidance there is a before and an after. Now Ferrara has an identity”

It’s not a ‘how we were’. It is rather a question of who we are, but above all who we want to be. From the stage of the former refectory in via Boccaleone, the federal secretary of the Carroccio, Matteo Salvini says he is addressing “not only the Northern League supporters” but “all those who want to know who we are”. This is how he presents his ‘Controvento’, his book-manifesto. The initiative is aimed at the reconfirmation of Alan Fabbri. And to find the connection with Ferrara, Salvini starts from further back. From Bondeno. Because, he claims by beating his chest – perhaps involuntarily –: “We are still the same as we were then and the spirit remains the same.” Here the applause was telephoned. The outgoing mayor collects and nods. Next to him, deputy mayor Nicola Lodi was amicably defined as an “earthquake for us and for Ferrara politics in general, but a great resource”, by regional councilor Fabio Bergamini. Returning to the capital, the deputy prime minister claims the fact that “thanks to the administration of the League, there is a before and an after”. Above all because “now this city is no longer relegated to the outskirts of the empire”, it is instead “a place that has its own identity, its own history and its own very defined characterization. Precisely thanks to the mayor and his wonderful team”.

Citing some passages from the book, Salvini recalls when “despite periods, the League resisted” and now “many voters, also in anticipation of the European elections, are returning”. From Ferrara to the province, Salvini expands by saying that “it is an honor to be able to re-nominate the mayor of the capital and the mayor of Copparo”. And the Argentinian mess? “In Argenta we are united with the rest of the centre-right. Due to the stumble with the list, out of respect for the citizens, we will do our utmost to support the candidacy of the united centre-right”. Translated: Gabriella Azzalli. From the Province to the Region. That’s where the Northern League group leader, Matteo Rancan, is looking when he says that “also thanks to the battles waged by this administration, we have managed to strengthen ourselves in our political action, in the face of a Region that wants to eliminate historical residential housing for public housing and that despite boasting of the best healthcare, he made devastating choices with Bonaccini fleeing to Europe.” For the Northern League MP Davide Bergamini, Fabbri’s greatest merit is that of having demonstrated that “even in Ferrara it was possible to change. And now we must continue with good governance”. The leader, Nicola Lodi, calls him by name. “Matteo”. He acknowledges to the secretary that “he has always been linked to the territory, since the days of Palaspecchi. And it is also thanks to him that today Ferrara can look to the future”. Fabbri notes “many important results, although there is much to do”. He doesn’t respond to the controversy because “I don’t like those who play politics in court”. He closes it with a note to the phrase attributed to Giulio Androtti, aimed at the left: “Power wears out those who no longer have it”. From Northern League member to Christian Democrat?

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