Bad weather in Veneto, state of emergency: red alert until Friday

The wave of bad weather that has hit Northern Italy in recent hours, with devastating floods in the provinces of Milan, Monza and Vicenza, has intensified as the day went on in a large part of Veneto, to the point of having immediately pushed the governor of the Region , Luca Zaia, a declare a state of emergency.

After a particularly difficult night, with interventions by firefighters in almost the entire region, the Civil Protection had decided to declare a state of red alert from the early hours of today, Thursday 16 May 2024, in force until early afternoon tomorrow for hydraulic risk and hydrogeological risk between the provinces of Vicenza, Padua, Treviso and Rovigo.

State of emergency in Veneto

“I didn’t expect a flood in mid-May. We are in a moment of objective difficulty. I remember a similar phenomenon in March 2011 which affected Soave, but other important phenomena are not remembered. This is an unusual, unplanned event” , he said today Luca Zaia during a press point at the headquarters of the Civil Protection of Veneto, on which occasion he announced the establishment of the Crisis Unit coordinated by the councilor for Civil Protection, Gianpaolo Bottacinand the declaration of a state of emergency.

Red alert in Veneto

The state of red alert issued by the Civil Protection due to hydraulic criticality concerns the Alto Brenta-Bacchiglione-Alpone basins and those of Lower Brenta-Bacchiglionewhile for the Livenza, Lemene and Tagliamento basins the orange alert is in force until 2pm on Friday 17 May, but it is not excluded that the alert will be extended by a few hours based on evolving weather conditions.

Lred alert due to hydrogeological criticalityhowever, concerns the Po, Fissero-Tartaro-CanalBianco and Basso Adige basins, those of the Basso Brenta-Bacchiglione, the Basso Piave and the Sile, while the orange pre-alarm status is valid for the rest of the region’s basins.

This afternoon the Decentralized Functional Center of the Civil Protection of Veneto announced to the population that the rainfall forecast for the next few hours could generate new increases in hydrometric levelswith further exceeding of the alert thresholds, and cause further suffering to the secondary hydrographic network.

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