Latina, Book bonus for “10 cum laude students”: here’s who can apply

The bonus

May 16, 2024 | 12.45pm

The Public Education Service will publish the list of beneficiaries among whom the allocated sum will be divided

Latina, 16 May 2024 – The public notice for the request for the “Student book bonus 10 cum laude”. From 20 May to 3 June 2024, students resident in Latina who have obtained a score of 10 cum laude in the final exam of the third class of lower secondary school for the 2022/2032 school year can apply. by accessing the site

“The public notice – declares the councilor for Education Francesca Tesone – follows a council resolution approved in recent days, which aims to reward scholastic excellence through the allocation of a fund of 10,000 euros per year to be distributed, through purchase bonuses, among the actual beneficiaries based on the number of applications received and accepted. In fact, it is in the interest of our administration to provide all the useful tools to strengthen the right to education, also implementing support interventions for families. Furthermore, the establishment of an award helps to promote the raising of students’ learning levels in the various disciplines and to guarantee equal opportunities for full development of one’s abilities”.

The Public Education Service will publish the list of beneficiaries among whom the allocated sum will be distributed with the creation of the bonus and the students will receive via email the official invitation to a ceremony of praise, congratulations and formal recognition of the award. The prize, of variable value because it depends on the number of recognized beneficiaries, will be translated into a bonus intended forpurchase of books or school supplies to be used in bookshops or at retailers already accredited with the Municipality of Latina and will be available for use by 31 October 2024. The same procedure will be implemented for the current school year. it’s on GOOGLE NEWS. To always be updated on our news, click on this linkand select the star at the top right to follow the source.

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