Disabled badges Reggio Calabria, fight against crafty people

There is no peace for the crafty people with disabled permits in Reggio Calabria. Despite the high fines and the heavy consequences that one faces by illegally displaying parking permits, which in many cases are falsified, there are those who continue to persevere.

In last 24 hours the local police of Reggio Calabria identified and collected three other falsified disability badges. The leitmotif of the crafty people is always the same: they photocopy original passes of friends and relatives and show off for parking in defiance of the rights of people with disabilities, taking away their reserved spaces and also evading, in the case of parking in blue stalls, the relevant fee .

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The local police, who had already started a targeted control activity in recent years, have been making an important operational effort in recent weeks to stamp out this evil. And the results are not long in coming.

TO KNOW MORE: Stop the crafty people with disabled passes, blanket checks in Reggio Calabria

In the last 24 hours, three people have been caught displaying counterfeit coupons in the city centre. For them, reporting to the judicial authority for use of a false document is inevitable, and in case of use on blue stalls, even for fraud.

Occupying reserved parking spaces, a lack of respect towards disabled people

The use of badges for disabled people by those who are not entitled to them is an increasingly widespread phenomenon also in Reggio Calabria. The simplest and quickest method, apparently, to avoid paying for parking or to have access to traffic-restricted areas.

Those who consider themselves smarter than others, however, not only commit an offencebut is responsible for a real one lack of respect, of a gesture of incivilitytowards those who, unfortunately, have to deal with disabilities.

Checks and investigations underway

The services, arranged by the local police commander Zucco, we read in a note from the Reggio Command, «will continue unabated in the next few days to protect one of the weakest categories of road users: people with reduced walking ability, deprived of sacrosanct right to mobility”.

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The proceedings are still in the preliminary investigation phase and responsibilities will have to be accepted with a final sentence. Meanwhile, the seizures of the falsified labels have been validated by the judicial authorities.

What does the motorist risk if he displays the sticker without having ownership?

The accusation against the motorist who displays the sticker without having the title is forgery and fraud. The same accusation was made by a citizen on Viale Aldo Moro, caught by local police officers occupying a stall reserved for the disabled, after having displayed a falsified card in the name of a relative of his on the windshield.

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