220 kilometer submarine cable «for a safe and sustainable electricity system»

220 kilometer submarine cable «for a safe and sustainable electricity system»
220 kilometer submarine cable «for a safe and sustainable electricity system»

A submarine connection to optimize energy resources between Europe And North Africa. It’s the one between Sicily And Tunisia – so far with the lowest exchange among the various Italian connections -, long overdue and now authorized by the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security. It’s about Elmeda work by electrical interconnection from about 850 million eurosof which 307 allocated by European Commissionfor the first time in favor of a project that involves a non-EU country – The power line will be built by Terna (the Italian electricity grid manager) e Steg (its Tunisian equivalent): it will be approximately 220 kilometers longwith a maximum depth of approximately 800 metres along the Sicilian Channel and in 600 megawatt direct current. «An important achievement within the energy transition objectives fixed in Pniec (the national energy and climate plan, ed) – declares the minister Gilberto Pichetto Fratin – and will allow the country to strengthen the role of hub electric in Europe and the Mediterranean area, becoming a protagonist at an international level.”

«With significant repercussions in terms of economical progress», adds the president of the Sicilian Region Renato Schifani. «Interconnected and technologically advanced networks are the basis of a safe and sustainable electricity system – continues Giuseppina Di FoggiaCEO and general director of Terna – Once operational, Elmed will not only make a significant contribution to the process of decarbonisationbut it will be necessary to increase the level of energy independence of our country and for diversify energy supply sources». The Italian part of the power line will extend for 18 kilometers in the Trapani area: from the landfall of Castelvetrano up to the conversion station which will be built in Partannanear the existing power station.

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