La Siritide – 15/05/2024 – Basilicata confirms its five blue flags

La Siritide – 15/05/2024 – Basilicata confirms its five blue flags
La Siritide – 15/05/2024 – Basilicata confirms its five blue flags

For 2024, Basilicata has confirmed five Blue Flags, an international recognition assigned by the international NGO for sustainability education Fee (Foundation for Environmental Education), based in Denmark, to marine and lake locations based on the cleanliness of the water, waste management, green areas and cycle paths, services on the beaches and in the municipality, and hotel facilities. In total, 32 program criteria were met to gain recognition. The Blue Flags in Basilicata concern the municipalities of Maratea (Potenza) on the Tyrrhenian Sea, and Metaponto di Bernalda, Nova Siri, Pisticci and Policoro (Matera) on the Ionian Sea.”

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