Balloni (UpC): “Poletti is the real change”

“When choosing the mayor, his authority, his competence and his abilities come into play. Nothing else. That’s why Paolo Poletti.” This was stated by Alvaro Balloni of the “United for Civitavecchia” list who explains the choice of mayoral candidate in the next local elections.

“The current panorama offers no alternatives – comments Balloni – having all taken from the politics of inefficiency. Let’s reflect: Poletti’s competitors have all held positions of a certain importance. There are those who have already been deputy mayor, those who have been councillors, those who have been president of the city council, those who have been party secretary. Well, of all of them we cannot remember a single work, a single concrete creation for Civitavecchia which yet they all claim to love immeasurably. With words. Zero facts. At most they hit the news for some quarrel, some political “cagnar”. Who left slamming the door because his party had not chosen him in accordance with his career ambitions, who slammed the door in the face of the mayor on duty, who went down in the political history of this city for having changed his opinion or jacket with great ease.
Regardless of their administrative “skills” demonstrated in the field – very few if not zero – it must be said that they are part of that stale mixture of village relations, of half-agreements made under the table believing themselves to be great politicians, which have never led to Nothing. The figure of Paolo Poletti, his professional past at the highest levels of the State, the relationships that he was able to cultivate, certainly place him above the faded spectacle offered by all the other candidates. Now it’s up to the voters to judge. It’s up to them to choose the future for their children. It is up to them to vote for this future, providing Paolo Poletti with a team of capable city councilors capable of making the complex administrative machine work (around 800 municipal and municipal employees) from the day after he took office. It is up to the voters to choose whether to remain bogged down in the old logic (voting for the friend, the relative, the funny guy on duty) or to trust those who have demonstrated great competence and can boast great authority when they go to knock on the door of the institutions “in the name and on behalf of Civitavecchia” which wants to grow, which wants to change”.

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