The “Birth Festival” returns to the Parco della Resistenza

The Birth Festival is held as part of the project “Culture 0/6: growing with care”

A day of meetings and recreational activities developed as part of the project “Cultura 0/6: growing with care” promoted by the Municipality of Cuneo, in collaboration with Compagnia Il Melarancio and supported by the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation

CUNEO – On Sunday 19 May, from 10am to 6.30pm, the Parco della Resistenza will host the second edition of the “Birth Party: a party to grow”a day of meetings and recreational activities developed as part of the “Cultura 0/6: growing with care” project promoted by the Municipality of Cuneo, in collaboration with Compagnia Il Melarancio and supported by the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation.

“The day – explain the organizers – it will be an important opportunity to promote knowledge of the cultural, educational, social and health resources available to families, for the well-being and growth of girls and boys from early childhood. In continuity with the actions envisaged by the project, particular attention will be given to families with children aged 0-6 years, but the invitation to participate is extended to all families, including future ones”.

The idea behind the day is «give life to a collective ritual, capable of generating meeting and sharing between families and operators». In the park there will be a picnic area where families can have lunch freely, a rest area and some play areas. The afternoon includes two key moments, the shared snackwhich will also represent a moment of information on correct nutrition and the final event organized by the Il Melarancio Company.

«The invitation we extend to all families – explain the organizers – is to spend a day of sharing, equipping themselves with plaid, packed lunch to spend a Sunday in the company of the project and its proposals». The initiative was born from the alliance between the Municipality of Cuneo, Compagnia Il Melarancio, Sistema Infanzia, ASL CN1, Azienda Ospedaliera Santa Croce e Carle, Social Welfare Consortium of Cuneo and involves a network of 35 partners belonging to the public and private social and cultural world. The program includes numerous discovery and in-depth activities: from music to theatre, from readings to creativity, workshops and information spaces managed by the local health system and dedicated to growth and services for early childhood.

The complete program of the day it will be available on the website of the Municipality of Cuneo, in the section dedicated to the project “Cultura 0/6: growing with care”.

In case of bad weather the event will take place in the spaces of the 0-18 Library, the former Church of San Francesco and under the canopy of Piazza Virginio. For further information, call 0171.444641 or write to [email protected].

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