Palazzo Trinci is equipped with new technologies to improve the visitor experience

Palazzo Trinci is equipped with new technologies to improve the visitor experience
Palazzo Trinci is equipped with new technologies to improve the visitor experience

Palazzo Trinci is also among the ten Umbrian museum centers that will benefit from new hardware and software instruments aimed at improving the visitor experience. The historic residence of the lords of Foligno is, in fact, part of the “Musei on” project, promoted by the Umbria Region “to further encourage – as reported in council resolution 197 of 11 April – use by the resident and non-resident public ”.

This is an initiative to strengthen the museum network through the funds of the PSR Umbria 2014-2022, with which the Palazzo Donini Institution has purchased new instruments which will be loaned for use for nine years. Going into the details of the supply, a Lim, tablet, a projector, a 3D printer and audio and video equipment have already been delivered. Added to these is also an information totem in which video materials will be uploaded aimed at telling the peculiarities of Palazzo Trinci and the most important works found inside, but not only. The totem, in fact, will virtually connect the Foligno museum with the other nine that are part of the project. “These are highly technological instruments – explains Roberto Silvestri, head of the Museum Service of the Municipality of Foligno – which will allow visitors to experience augmented reality experiences with a new vision of museum spaces”. The projects also include the promotion of ad hoc initiatives, such as the organization of workshops for schools.

The objective declared by the Umbria Region through the “Musei on” project is, from this perspective, to “further qualify the experience of the visit in a more advanced sense, meeting the needs of the public and offering the opportunity to operators museums to experiment with new on-site and online communication methodologies, as well as to create a collaborative network relationship also with the aim of activating promotional interconnections”. The Green Heart of Italy is, to date, among the Italian regions with “a very high percentage of museums and widespread assets compared to the surface area and the number of inhabitants, places that contribute to the promotion of the territory thanks to the valorization of its cultural heritage”

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