Messina, Boer school evacuated because infested with mice


Below is the question “very urgent” to the municipal administration by the municipal councilor of Messina, Free YouthFdI group leader for the serious problem of Boer school evacuated due to rat infestationwhich affects minors:

The undersigned Libero Gioveni, in his capacity as municipal councilor and group leader of Fratelli d’Italia, in reference to the very serious problem indicated in the subject, intends to convey to you the following:

In these last few hours I have received legitimate complaints from several worried parents of children who attend the Boer middle school in via Palermo about the massive presence of rats inside the school, so much so that just yesterday around 11 am the same parents were called from the institute’s secretariat to pick up your children from school and bring them home!

It would seem (but I ask the SS.LL. to confirm the news) that MessinaServizi had carried out an initial rodent control intervention, but that unfortunately this did not serve to eradicate the high number of mice, whose presence therefore still persists in the school .

The same parents also told me that they have not yet received reassuring news from the school that the problem has been resolved, so several of them already this morning do not intend to have their children attend lessons.

Therefore, by virtue of all of the above and taking into account the seriousness of the problem affecting minors from a health and hygiene perspective, the undersigned municipal councilor,


with a character of maximum urgency the SS.LL. in order to know the decisive measures that have been or are being put in place to definitively and completely eradicate the presence of rats inside the Boer middle school in via Palermo“.

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