Turin-Bologna: poverty and nobility | Sports People

Let’s understand the Turin climate: when I arrive early in the morning, at Porta Nuova station there is a sun that breaks the stones, in full spring style. Then, as we get closer to the match, the sky gets progressively worse, until disaster strikes an hour or so before kick-off: rain and cold, plus an overall chill that makes this beginning of May look like a November in disguise.

After all, my “Turin” friend (i.e. a bulgnais moved to Augusta Taurinorum for work) had left me with very few illusions: it has been raining for a week straight, the climate here is terrible. And even on the day of the match, after an initial illusion, the register does not change. Patience. At least theOlympic it’s indoors, a small satisfaction: because the wind, however, leaves no escape. However, we were talking about the pre-match: agnolotti and breadsticks, to get into the role. And yes, even a bicerìn which leaves you shocked by the price (five euros for a glass of milk, chocolate and coffee? Come on…).

Then, a due homage to Grande Torino: under the Mole Granata are the days of a secular rite that borders on the sacred, one of those that makes football much more than a simple sport. The memory of that legendary team, which quickly became legend, after that plane crash that changed history forever. At the stadium Philadelphiajust a few kilometers fromOlympic, there is a commemoration that kicks off the two days of remembrance, which will culminate in the Superga function. It is impossible to remain estranged from it on an emotional level.

AtOlympicClearly, everything is organized for the Remembrance: special shirt for the Granata on the pitch, and spectators for special occasions. Juric’s team performs in spurts, as was the norm in the Cairo era, but despite adverse weather and results, they just can’t be missed in the stands; to complete the picture, there are the two thousand Bolognese who fill the away section, sold out within a few hours: yet another result of an extraordinary year, on the field and in the stands, where the Bolognese fans are recording numbers that were unthinkable until one year ago. Then of course: the dream Champions it helps, especially for a team used to ninth place at most. But in short, we have to be honest: on a Friday evening, in Turin, the guest sector like this is a beautiful sight.

Taurus Chapter: the protest continues to the bitter end, Maratona and Primavera appear devoid of any flaws, but not of choirs. It’s a shame to see such a historic and important stadium and fans devoid of color and distinctive signs; but in short, there are certain battles that come first. Consistency and mentality, someone said. However, there is no lack of support, and so is the opposition: that of President Cairo, who was targeted from start to finish. And here we ask ourselves: why is the most powerful publisher in Italy (A7, Corriere della Sera, Gazzetta dello Sport) are you satisfied with this greyness? It will never be understood. In the middle, the spectacular half-time show, when the whole stadium unites in the memory of the Grande Torino, raising their cell phones to the sky and singing a historic song (“Quel giorno di rain”, which fits perfectly). Perhaps the only ray of sunshine on a dark evening.

What can I say about the match? So much waiting for nothing. The two teams confirm the draw, failing to score against the opponent. 0-0, which is certainly more convenient for Bologna, determined to put a further step towards the goal. For Taurus, however, connection to the area Conference it remains utopia. In the end, the manifesto of the two opposing moods: Bologna goes under the away section to sing with the fans, because the dream Champions it gets closer and closer. On the other side there are whistles, and a general coldness. How long will it take to see a Grande Torino again? A whole fan base continues to ask this. Taking refuge in the past, so as not to think about the future.

Text and photos by Stefano Brunetti

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