At the municipal playground of Baragiano, a “White Bench” dedicated to Maurizio Giordano, «our thirty-eight-year-old fellow citizen who died in Busseto (Parma) on 8 July 2023 due to an accident at work» explain from the Municipal House. The Administration of Baragiano, led by the Mayor Giuseppe Galizia, wanted to remember the young man who tragically passed away with a plaque: «To Maurizio Giordano, in memory of all the victims of work. With the intention of paying homage to them, so that their value is recognized, and their sacrifice is a warning to respect the lives of all workers.” The objective of the Municipal Administration «is to raise awareness as many people as possible on a topic that is now a real social plague. A symbolic gesture to spread the culture of safety and to keep attention high on a phenomenon that claims hundreds of victims every year. The mayor Giuseppe Galizia and the Administration of Baragiano «thank the Giordano-Giosa family, the Commander of the Baragiano Carabinieri Station Bartolomeo Sabia, the National Carabinieri Association, the “Vola” Civil Protection Association of Baragiano for their availability and collaboration , the “Briganti Lucani” Association and Don Claudio Mancusi». It was an emotional and intense moment for the Baragia community and beyond, since Maurizio was known and well-liked by many, even in neighboring towns. What destroyed the young man’s sight was a death that occurred suddenly and prematurely, while he was busy assembling panels on the roof of a well-known sausage company in Busseto, Emilia Romagna. Maurizio was at a height of over 10 metres, something went wrong and the epilogue was fatal. Unfortunately no one from the team he was part of was present when he fell to the ground. There was already nothing more that could be done to save Maurizio’s life when he was found on the ground, despite the alarm having gone off and the operators of ambulance 118 and an air ambulance having arrived on site from the “Maggiore” hospital in Parma. Born in 1985, Maurizio lived in Baragiano but everyone knew him in the neighboring towns as he also had a car wash business on the Via Appia in Bella-Muro near the train station, a crossroads for Muro Lucano, Bella, Picerno, Potenza and the towns more distant. The 38-year-old was also passionate about sports and motors and many remembered that special friendship born or consolidated in the sporting field. Maurizio was in the prime of his life, a beautiful family, his wife, two small children, family and many friends. Since then, a great void has remained, difficult to fill for those who loved him and were close to him. When the news arrived, a surreal and profound silence fell on the small community, on a sunny day, in which however the shadows darkened over everyone’s souls. The last farewell was held in the New Church of Baragiano Scalo. Since then Maurizio continued to live in the memory and affection of all those who knew him, and today the memory of him is tangible, on that white bench, like his “white death”, as death in the workplace is called . Yet another victim of work, like too many others: names and surnames, life stories and passions which then become memories and sad numbers that we would never want to read. In the same weekend in which Maurizio died, a 34-year-old worker originally from Mali also lost his life when he was hit by a heavy vehicle in a company in the province of Cuneo and, at just 28 years old, a young farmer was stuck in a machine he was using to arrange some round bales on agricultural land in Terni. Three lives broken in unison. “No respite” commented the “National Association of Mutilated and Invalids at Work”

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