REGGIO CALABRIA. The national “Guerrieri” award goes to the Campania surgeon, researcher and scientist, Giovanni Corso. The lawyer Aloi -“Corso, pride of Italy”.

REGGIO CALABRIA. “A reward for humanity towards patients and for the years of study thanks to which I discovered a new hereditary syndrome associated with lobular breast cancer and which can be intervened with prevention”. Thus the medical oncologist from Campania, originally from Irpinia, Giovanni Corso, winner of the “Warriors Award”, awarded yesterday evening at the Cilea theater in Reggio Calabria, by the Officina dell’Arte and Knights Templar associations of the Pietà del Pellicano order, in scope of the third edition of the national cultural and research award, “Guerrieri”.
Researcher, scholar, among the world’s leading experts in the medical-scientific field on hereditary tumor research and breast cancer prevention, Giovanni Corso works as a surgeon at the European Institute of Oncology in Milan and is also president of the ‘European Association for Oncology Prevention, as well as being a member of the national commission of the Ministry of Education, University and Research for the evaluation of research promoted and launched in all Italian universities in the medical-scientific field.
“The award represents a recognition of humanity and greater understanding of cancer patients – explains Giovanni Corso. – More than a warrior, I feel like a soldier in the trenches in the battle against tumors. Humanity but also work thanks to which, after years of study and research on hereditary breast cancer, I finally discovered the name of the rare variant of a gene that causes breast cancer and which also predisposes patients to the risk of stomach cancer too . This is the CDH1 gene – explains the oncologist Corso – which can be identified and diagnosed early through a genetic test, in all women under the age of 45 or with a family history of breast cancer, thus identifying any early lesions even in individuals who are healthy but have a genetic mutation and must be strictly monitored. With this discovery – Corso comments – the scenario opens up for an even more targeted and effective prevention, sector-specific to breast cancer”.
To reward the oncologist from Campania, the promoters of the initiative, Nino Aloi and Peppe Piromalli, who identified two illustrious Italian figures who have distinguished themselves in the scientific and social world, professor Giovanni Corso of Bagnoli Irpino who is considered one of the best scholars at an international level in the field of hereditary stomach and breast cancer research and the lady from Potenza Filomena Iemma, mother of sixteen-year-old Elisa Claps, the latter who disappeared from Potenza on 17 September 1993 and whose body was found on 17 March 2010 in the attic of the church of the Holy Trinity. The Vatican Postulator, Nicola Giampaolo, collected the award for Claps’ mother.
Accompanying Corso is the non-profit association Alta Irpinia Solidale with its president Vitale Recce which has been active for years in the provinces of Avellino and Salerno, helping and supporting poor families and cancer patients – “Doctor Corso represents the Campania pride in the world – explains Recce. – With his work – adds the president – the oncologist from Campania has never lacked human and social support alongside cancer patients from Irpinia and Salerno, also dedicating his free time to the prevention of breast cancer and the fight against cancer. A man from the South – concludes Recce – who is among the excellences of Campania in the world, in the field of scientific research, representing excellence.
“Our two winners – explains the Calabrian lawyer Nino Aloi – are two warriors of social life who every day contribute, through their commitment, to the growth of our country and represent the pride of Italy. Calabria is proud to include among its illustrious personalities of the Guerrieri Prize two excellences in scientific research and in the search for truth”. CS

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