the Municipality becomes a civil party

The Municipality of Molfettaas the offended party, becomes a civil party in the criminal trial before the Court of Trani for the scenes of devastation and fear that occurred in Piazza Vittorio Emanuele last New Year’s Eve. The mayor decided it Tommaso Minervini with a specific decree published yesterday on the praetorian noticeboard.

The defense of the interests of Common was entrusted to the lawyer Patrizia Alboreo of the Court of Trani: seven defendants, all residents of the city and between 18 and 35 years old, who is charged with the crimes of damage and public intimidation with the use of explosive devices and material, a crime introduced by the recent Caivano law decree. Against them the public prosecutor of Public Prosecutor’s Office of Trani, Marco Gambardellafiled a request for immediate judgment.

According to the investigation documents, the seven, «in competition and in prior agreement with each other, together» with three minors «and numerous other unidentified subjects, in order to stir up a riot or public disorder, blew up numerous homemade bombs of significant intensity, exploded near private homes and used to damage” one Renault Clio«first overturning it and finally detonating numerous explosive devices on it», and aAudi.

The scenes, immortalized in some videos recorded by the young people present and which went viral on social networks, were broadcast by the major national newspapers. The same portrayed a large group of vandals who, “taking advantage of the celebrations, were responsible for serious conduct, sowing panic in the streets”.

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