residents write to the mayor

The citizens of ancient times Village of Penasca, in the San Fermo district of Varese, live in a little-known pearl, but also for this reason too often abandoned. At least that’s what it seems from the letter they addressed to the mayor of Varese Davide Galimbertiafter several reports to offices and neighborhood councils regarding some damage that was never repaired.

In it, they first of all point out an unfortunate situation at the Penasca viewpointwhich was also subject to redevelopment in 2017 as part of the regional tender “The year of Lombard tourism and the art capitals – Cult City project”, in which the Municipality of Varese participated with the initiative “The Belvederes of Varese City garden: discovering new landscapes, art and culture”.

«The improper use of Belvedere De Bortoli, designed and built certainly not as a parking area, is increasingly becoming an opportunity for parking by people who do not even have the right to transit along the aforementioned Via Oslavia – they write in the letter – Evidence of this prohibition is the signage placed at the beginning of the via Oslavia indicating Pedestrian Area with access limited to the indicated subjects only. For this reason, some had been placed columns delimiting the area in front of the SS Sanctuary. Fermo and Rustico have been torn down for years also by operators from the Municipality of Varese on the occasion of the visit of His Cardinal Eminence. We trust, in everyone’s interest, that the columns and original stone benches will be repositioned as by the Municipal Administration itself at the time included in a redevelopment project of the ancient village”.

In the letter, signed by approximately 30 citizens residing in the village and addressed to the mayor of Varese, it is also reported: «the state of lack of maintenance by the Municipality you administer of the via Oslavia particularly to the road surface and the drains/manhole covers built on it”.

The letter reports «Porphyry detachments, broken stone slabs and structural failures despite some of us having repeatedly reported everything to the competent municipal offices as well as to the Neighborhood Committee for some time. For the former without any response at least as an act of courtesy; for the latter “only” for having fulfilled their skills in forwarding the reports”. Underlining that: «If from the first signs what was highlighted could be resolved with a minimum economic commitment, the continuous deterioration has led and will increasingly lead to a worsening of the situation with evident increases in spending and why not also in danger».

For this reason the citizens conclude: «We turn to you hoping and trusting in a direct interest so that all the maintenance interventions necessary to restore both the street furniture (stone columns and benches) and to remake the porphyry flooring are carried out with replacement of broken stone slabs and leveling of road drains/manhole covers”.

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