Abruzzo weather forecast for today Monday 29 April

The weather forecast for Abruzzo outlines mostly clear or slightly cloudy skies; possible cloud cover in the morning over Marsica and Alto Sangro

SITUATION. Italy is affected by a temporary rise of a high pressure promontory of North African origin which, in the
next few hours and on Tuesday, will favor a progressive increase in temperatures. The cause is due to the rising air masses from the North African regions, with dust/sand suspended at altitude and expanding towards our regions. The rise of warm air will also favor a gradual increase in cloud cover and instability over Tuscany, Lazio, Campania, Umbria and internal areas of Abruzzo where, in the afternoon, thunderstorm formations will be possible, easing in the evening.

A disturbance of Atlantic origin has reached the Iberian peninsula, the North African regions and, in the next few days, will extend towards Italy, in particular on Wednesday, causing a further worsening of atmospheric conditions in all regions, starting from Sardinia and the Tyrrhenian regions, extending towards the Adriatic sector. Clouds, showers and possible thunderstorms are expected which will extend towards the Adriatic sector. The instability will continue to manifest itself also on Thursday, due to
of the arrival of new Atlantic currents which will also lead to a new drop in temperatures.

FORECAST. In Abruzzo general conditions of mainly clear or slightly cloudy skies are expected; possible cloud cover in the morning on Marsica and Alto Sangro, temporarily easing. In the afternoon, significant cloud cover will be possible over the internal areas of nearby Lazio, extending towards Alto Sangro, Marsica and, locally, also over Alto L’Aquila. There may also be showers of a thunderstorm nature, easing in the evening. On Tuesday we will see a progressive increase in instability with a high probability of afternoon thunderstorms in the internal and mountainous areas of our region, attenuating (temporarily) in the evening and night.

Temperatures rising, especially in the maximum values.

Weak winds from the southern quadrants over inland and mountainous areas. Weak from the eastern or north-eastern quadrants on the Adriatic side.

Sea generally almost calm or not very rough.

Forecast by Giovanni De Palma – AbruzzoMeteo

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