Solidaria’s special day

To promote volunteering it is not always necessary to organize large street events. It is also the reason why, in the revision of the Solidaria format for this year, the choice fell on construction of a shared path with the elected territories (Lendinara for the province of Rovigo, Piazzola sul Brenta for Padua), during which to collect specific needs and try to respond with targeted initiatives and proposals.

One of these was the local declination of “A particular day”, multi-year project of the CSV of Padua and Rovigo during which, at the beginning of December of each year, dozens of schools from the two provinces meet representatives of local associations in class. The opportunity presented itself on Monday for five schools in the Municipality of Lendinara; 16 classes made up of 317 students met the representatives of seven associations (Lipu, WWF, Plastic free, Legambiente, Amici della Fattoria Volante, Il Teatro Siete Voi, Scout Fse), joined by some representatives of the CSV, with the who were able to discuss topics such as health, well-being, environment, peace, justice, strong institutions, disability and inclusion.

“I love our school fabric, from nursery to middle school, not only as councilor for public education but also for children – exclaims Francesca Zeggio enthusiastically – Unfortunately in our Municipality we only reach middle school, but we always have an eye on our youth fabric, I think of those who have to move across the border to continue their studies. I am proud and feel sincere affection towards the so-called ‘educational agency’, which is the school but also the Municipality which is called upon to network extraordinary people who work from the heart. In the Solidaria path we are working to spread its values ​​and to raise awareness of the Csv, which helps us promote volunteering in our community. Our commitment will be to connect as many realities as possible.”

Among the participating associations also the Amici della Fattoria Volante odv with the educator Vanessa Bianchi and Valentina, a girl who frequents the association and who had a lot of fun talking to all these kids about disability, normality and discrimination. “The fabric of Lendinara is rich in multiculturalism – states Valentina -, in fact many shared episodes concerned episodes of discrimination linked to one’s origins, skin colour, religion. We participated in this project for the first time and it seemed very positive, we will definitely do it again if it is proposed to us again because we think it is valuable to be able to come into contact with local realities to promote a different, more inclusive concept of diversity”.

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