Bad weather in November, the Imola district and Romagna Faentina are also included in the regional intervention plan

Bad weather in November, the Imola district and Romagna Faentina are also included in the regional intervention plan
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The effects of the bad weather in October-November 2023 on the bridge in Via Rineggio in Borgo Tossignano

CThere are also some interventions that concern the Imola district and Romagna Faentina in 11.5 million euro intervention plan launched by the Region after the bad weather that hit the area in October-November 2023.
Throughout the region, there are around sixty municipalities involved in the provinces of Piacenza, Parma, Reggio Emilia, Modena, Bologna and Ravenna. Between the end of October and the beginning of November, various areas had been affected by flooding and instability, interruptions to traffic, disruptions and damage to buildings and infrastructure. The interventions will be financed with the resources assigned by the Government following the declaration of the national state of emergency and the subsequent approval of the works by the national civil protection department.

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Imola and surrounding area
In the Imola area, interventions are planned in Borgo Tossignano and Imola. In Borgo Tossignano an intervention is financed for restoration of the parapet of the municipal bridge in via Rineggio, for 100 thousand euros. In Imola there are five loans for various interventions carried out in an emergency or in the following days: the preparation and positioning of sandbags to protect the Campanella neighbourhood, the restoration of the roadway in Via Kennedy and the cleaning of the road surface, the restoration of the roofing of the Orsini secondary school, the removal of accumulations of wood from the riverside and from the pillars of the bridges in the urban section of the Santerno river, for a total of 94,204 euros.
An intervention is then planned between the two provinces of Bologna and Ravenna: between Bagnara/Solarolo and Mordano/Imola the Ravenna territorial office of the regional Agency intervenes to carry out the first phase of the floodplain landslides and consolidation works of the embankment of the Santerno torrent (300 thousand euros).

Romagna Faentina
As regards the Romagna Faentina between the seven interventions expected there are the municipalities of Casola Valsenio, Riolo Terme and Castel Bolognese.
The Union will operate at Casola Valsenio for the movement of earth useful for restoring the traffic of via Colombarina (35 thousand euros) and on the roadway of via Sfirolo damaged by flooding related to bad weather (25 thousand euros). TO Riolo Terme the Union will take care of recovering the safety of the road via Caduti dei Crivellari and the related alternative route (first stage of work), thanks to regional funding of 188 thousand euros. In various locations in Casola Valsenio, Riolo Terme and Castel Bolognese the Ravenna territorial office of the regional Agency is in charge of the works to restore the hydraulic efficiency of the hilly section of the Senio stream (200 thousand euros).

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