Lamezia, Manzoni-Augruso comprehensive institute: ‘Positive results from Invalsi’

Lamezia Terme – “Encouraging news from Invalsi, at the Manzoni-Augruso comprehensive institute, where student outcomes are on the rise, after the difficult pandemic period which also had repercussions on learning in all Italian schools”. Thanks to the institute’s planning and the implementation of interventions aimed at disciplinary consolidation, among the students of Manzoni-Augruso, they inform in a note “positive results have been recorded in basic skills in Italian, mathematics and English. The INVALSI refunds refer to the tests carried out in the last school year 2022/23 in the second and fifth classes of primary school and in the third middle school. Among the scores, the percentages of students at level 4 (good) in the third-middle classes stand out positively, which in all three disciplines exceed the regional and national percentages: in Italian he reported “good level” on 23rd, 1% of students, which is higher than the regional one (16.6%), the south and islands (17.1%) and Italy (22.1%); in. Mathematics, the percentage of students in level 4 is (17.7%), higher than the regional one (10.8%), the south and islands (11.3%) and Italy (17.2%). As regards English, in listening, the percentage of students reaching the A2 level (59.6%) is higher than the regional level (42.5%) and the South and Islands (44.5%) and lower than that of Italy (64.4%); in reading the percentage of students who reach A2 level (73.1%) is higher than the regional level (67.6%) and the south and islands (67.7%) and lower than that of Italy (80.5%). %)”.

There are improvements in primary school. “In the fifth grade of primary school – they say – the percentages are at regional levels, but are still lower than national levels. In the second year of primary school, in Italian the average percentage score net of the institute’s cheating is equal to (62.9); the figure is higher than the average of Calabria (51.5), of the reference macro-area (south and islands 51.1) and of Italy (54.2). In mathematics, the institution’s average cheating percentage score is (54.1); the figure is higher than the average of Calabria (48.7), of the reference macro-area (south and islands 49.5) and not significantly different from that of Italy (54.6). This, in summary, is what emerged from the results of the national standardized tests carried out last year in primary and lower secondary schools and announced this year by the National Institute for Evaluation of the School System. “With the aim of providing reliable and useful information for educational planning – says the INVALSI representative of the IC Manzoni-Augruso, professor Simona Pizzonia – INVALSI returns the data from the learning surveys to the schools in a confidential form, comparing the results of individual classes and schools with those of classes and schools with equal social conditions (or geographically close) and with Italy as a whole. Reading this data allows us to obtain important information for the improvement and strengthening of the training offer and teaching practices. The data returned basically concerns three aspects: the overall trend in the learning levels of the school’s students compared to the average for Italy, the geographical area and the region they belong to; the performance of the individual classes in the Italian, Mathematics and English tests (for the school levels concerned) as a whole and the performance of the individual class and of the individual student analyzed in detail of each individual test. The reading and interpretation of the tables and graphs can therefore be both a useful diagnostic tool for improving the training offer within the school, and a means of identifying areas of excellence and critical areas in order to strengthen and improve the didactic action”. As vice-principal Angelina Materasso comments: “The disciplinary strengthening courses activated last year at both primary and secondary schools were successful and we are satisfied with the official results of the disciplines being monitored, where our classes achieved scores above the average regional in Italian mathematics and English, but still lower than the national data, so we must always aim for improvement. The disciplinary consolidation paths in Italian, mathematics, English and science activated at Manzoni-Augruso as part of the “territorial gaps” project financed with PNRR resources go in this direction.

“In relation to these expected goals – says principal Antonella Mongiardo – the institute’s planning includes this type of action among the process objectives outlined in the improvement plan created by the Internal Evaluation Unit. The improvement actions, set in line with the three-year teaching plan, with the critical issues and strengths highlighted in the strategic documents, aim to achieve the set objectives, including, in fact, the development of key skills and the improvement of Invalsi test results . These data are significant and encouraging not only because they are objective, but also because they indicate a tangible recovery after the pandemic period, when the prolonged closure of schools had reduced social spaces with negative effects also on learning”.


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