From Covacich to Pino Cacucci. Authors in Faenza

From Covacich to Pino Cacucci. Authors in Faenza
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Today and tomorrow, ScrittuRa Festival lands in Faenza, at Faventia Sales (via San Giovanni Bosco), for two days of great content, with 6 fast-paced meetings, from 5pm to 11pm. The days in Faenza will open with a reflection on climate change one year after the flood. In fact, at 5pm Vincenzo Levizzani, research director of the Institute of Atmospheric and Climate Sciences of the Cnr and author of the book ‘When it rains outside, the history and future of rain’ (Il Saggiatore), will be a guest. There are many questions, even apparently banal ones, that we will try to answer: why is it raining at a certain time? Why is rainfall always different? How do we quantify rain? Vincenzo Levizzani, in dialogue with Federico Savini, will reveal the secrets of atmospheric precipitation. At 6.30 pm, followed by Mauro Covacich, writer from Trieste who won the Campiello prize, who will talk about ‘Kafka’ (The Ship of Theseus). With an exact prose, which combines autobiography and story, Mauro Covacich addresses his great literary love, a long passion that has grown since adolescence. He will close the first day, at 9pm, Antonio Iovane, author of ‘The executioner, the story of Erich Priebke, the executioner of the Fosse Ardeatine’ (Mondadori), with Gianni Gozzoli, author of the Radio Rai podcast. Through a monumental research work, a passionate series of interviews with the protagonists of the story and completely unpublished material, three stories are told: the capture of the old Nazi thanks to the work of international agents; Priebke’s career in Rome, including his daring escape to Argentina after the fall of the Reich; and finally a history of roots, those of today’s Italy, with its contradictions and its never overcome antagonisms. Tomorrow opens, at 5pm, with Paolo Valoppi, writer and Einaudi editor, who will talk about Jehovah’s Witnesses through his dazzling debut ‘My father will have eternal life, but my mother doesn’t believe in it’ (Feltrinelli), in dialogue with Samuele Brand names. It is the story of a child who grows up in a family with a Jehovah’s Witness father and a mother who does not admit any higher love than that for books. Two parents who, although divided by a religion often portrayed as a caricature, continue to be together. At 6.30 pm there will then be the return of Pino Cacucci, a narrator who revealed Mexico with cult novels such as ‘Puerto Escondido’ and ‘Viva la vida’, who recounts the exploits of the revolutionary Pancho in ‘Dieguito and the Centaur of the North’ (Mondadori) Villa, in dialogue with Matteo Cavezzali. The narrative begins in 1983, in Chihuahua. The two days in Faenza will end at 9pm with Valentina Notarberardino and ‘Bestseller operation, behind the scenes of editorial success’ (Ponte alle Grazie), a volume in which an attempt is made to give an answer to ‘what makes books visible’ and why certain books have success and others not, but also how to participate in literary prizes, who votes and, above all, why… whoever wins wins.

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